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The door bell rang suddenly, causing the greenette to jump at the noise and spill a few drops of coffee on his shirt.

He sluggishly made his way to the door gripping onto the mug for dear life.

"Hello?" He asked still waking up.

"Hey nerd," The familiar deep voice woke him up fully. "Here's your suitcase." Bakugou handed over the bag.

"T-thanks." The boy stuttered out not looking the man in the eyes, fearing he might say something stupid.

"Are you okay, Deku?" The blonde asked moving closer.

"Yep! A-Okay! Is there anything else y-you need?" He said dodging the man.

"Oh, yeah right..." He looked down. "I need you to come in tomorrow. It's pretty hectic at the office without you, and your fill-in is very... touchy. I-" 

"Sounds great! See you tomorrow!" The boy interrupted and closed the door.

"Okay then." 


I slid down the door holding my face in effort to cool it down. I'm not sure how I'm expecting to function properly tomorrow. I was planning on going anyway but this interaction brutally murdered my confidence. 




"Morning Izukuuuu!" Ochaco yelled tackling me.


"You seem better- are you good?"

"I'm fine right now, I just need to talk to you later okay?"


"Sure." I said walking off towards my desk.

There sat a woman a bit younger than myself, on her phone smiling.

"Um, excuse me?" I said to gain her attention.

"Oh um, yes?"

"Can I have my de-" I started.

"Deku!" Kacchan yelled coming out of his office.

"Oh good morning Kacchan." I smiled in return.

"Good morning," He smiled back before turning to the stranger. "Well Deku, my assistant, is back. Which means Kazuna you can return to your job downstairs." 

[Kazuna means "one vegetable" so I thought it was appropriate]

"But babe, I love spending time with you~" She walked around the desk and placed a hand on his chest and puffed out her own chest, exposing it more. Kacchan quickly grabbed her hand and removed it from his chest.

"Kazuna, stop with the names. It's Bakugou. Stop or I won't hesitate to fire you." He said sternly.

She pouted and then shot me a glare before walking away. 

"That's what I meant by the stand-in being touchy. I'm so glad you're back, I've had to deal with that."

"Sorry, about that, but I'm here so is there anything you need?" I set my things on the desk and take a seat to login to my computer.

"Oh, I have a meeting in ten so I think I'm good- wait do you want to go to lunch together?"

"Sorry again but I just got asked by Ochaco."

"So it's a competition now?" He smirked. "Can I reserve you for tomorrow then?" My cheeks warmed up.

"Sure Kacchan."

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