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I woke up and smiled to myself as I felt the small nerd in my arms. His face pressing into my chest and arms tightly wrapped around me. I moved my finger through his loose curls and press a kiss on his forehead.

I laid there for several minutes before he began to stir. His eyes fluttered open and stared into mine as I smiled at him. He smiled back softly and pulled him self to kiss me. I kissed back and it slowly became heated I pull him impossibly closer. 

He suddenly pulled away.

"Ew. Morning breathe. You may be pretty but, oh my lord." He teased.

"Fuck you, Deku."

"If you brush your teeth, sure." He smirked and grabbed my ass.

I quickly jumped out of the bed and ran to my bathroom. I began brushing my teeth as he wandered in tiredly.

"My ass hurts. You fucker." He glared at me while brushing his own teeth. I looked away as I felt myself getting turned on by him cussing. 

"I can make it worse baby~" I said confidently as I rinse my mouth, he blushed and I smirked. 

He purposely took his time brushing his teeth in order to tease me again. 

"Okay so what's for breakfast?" He asked.

"You." I picked him up and basically ran back to the bed.

He dramatically screamed like he was being murdered all the way there.




I had only my boxers and basketball shorts on as I stood at the stove preparing breakfast. I moved the food to two plates and set them on the counter. 

I went back up the stairs to find Deku sprawled out face down, on the bed. I pressed soft kisses into his back and he jumped slightly, grumbling at my snickers.

"Second breakfast is ready." I said.

"Okay." He gave me a glare while sitting up.

"What?" He only continued glaring. "Seriously what did I do nerd?" 

"You know."

"What??" I asked genuinely confused.

He slowly got up and his legs wobbled slightly before he sat back down. I snickered as he continued glaring at me.

"Shall I carry you princess?" I smirked and crouched down.

"Fuck you." My smirk only grew.

"I think you've had enough, but I'm good for another round." 

"I hate you." He pouted and turned away.

I grabbed his chin to make him look at me. 

"Do you?" I gave him a fake pout.

"Whatever Katsuki." He turned away again.

"You can't say shit like that or I won't be able to hold back."

"Can't keep your dick in your pants? Hmm Katsuki .

Picked him up and carried him downstairs bridal style. We ate and talked for awhile afterwards





"Deku?" Kacchan asked.

"Yes Kacchan?" 

"Sorry to ruin the mood but Icy hot and you aren't still a thing, right?"

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