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We got up way to early and got a taxi back to the airport. It was a private flight again but the airport was super crowded. I wasn't sure what to do so just grabbed my suitcase and pushed our way through. Because it was a private flight we had to walk outside to get on the plane, that would be fine and dandy if it were sunny. But luck wasn't on our side, it was cloudy and freezing. We both were bundled up and shivering while the plane took off.






"Deku, Oi Deku, ugh Izuku wake up" My eyes fluttered open. "We are here dumbass"

"Oh sorry." I said getting up and gathering my things, then following him out of the plane.

We got through the less crowded airport and spent an eternity trying to remember where we had parked his car. We started running up and down the ramps in the parking garage and eventually heard it honk. Kacchan only laughed at me when I was struggling to catch my breathe. We loaded the car and sat for a while before driving off.

He parked in front of my house and we both got out and started grabbing my suitcase and bags.

" I'll help you get your shit inside then I'm bailing I'm going to pass out any minute."

"Lets hope not, so what was your favorite of the fun things we did?" I asked

"Hmm, Probably leaving."

"Kacchan! You had to of enjoyed at least something, like um, the night we went to that dinner and ended up just bailing and going to get fast food?"

"That was funny, but also the time it just started pouring rain and we got drenched." He said carrying one of my bags up the sidewalk.

"That was hilarious your hair was so funny! You looked like Shoto it was so straight"

"That bastard.." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" I said focused on unlocking the door.

"Oh nothing, we will have to talk about it more Monday" He said slightly embarrassed.

"Yes," I opened the door pushing it open and pulling my suitcase in. I was hit with a digusting smell but I figured Shoto had forgotten to take out the trash. I set my water bottle on the counter.



I began dragging my stuff to the bedroom but halted when I heard something.


I dropped my things and walked to the door before pushing it open.

My husband and some brunette fucking on our bed. All of us froze, tears running down my cheeks and I didn't know what to do. Kacchan strolled in.

"Hey Deku it fucking stinks in here-" He paused looking at the nude individuals and then at me.

He didn't even hesitate before grabbing my hand an pulling me into a tight hug. He grabbed thighs and pulled me up to his chest. He only glared at the shocked Shoto then carried me out of the house. 

"Bakugou! Izuku wait let me explain!" Shoto yelled from behind us. I shoved my head into his neck and gripped the fabric of his shirt. Kacchan turned only for a second to flip Shoto off.

He rubbed my back and set me down in the passengers seat of his car. He drove like a mad man, and when I looked up at him he looked furious. It was honestly scary how mad he was.

We arrived at a modern looking house and he grabbed me carrying me inside. We laid on his bed and I just cried into his chest as he rubbed my back. After several hours of crying, I felt myself getting sick.



"Which direction is the bathroom?"


"I'll just find it myself" I quickly got off the bed and ran to the nearest door. It revealed a fancy bathroom though I didn't have time to admire it. I ran to the toilet and immediately started puking. Kacchan came in and sat beside me rubbing my back again, I assume he must know it's comforting. I had finished and flushed the toilet then leaned against it, I grabbed Kacchan's hand and he looked up with a sad smile. 

"Are you feeling better? Do you want some water?"

"I do but I don't want you to leave." I said weakly crawling over to him. He quickly got up and grabbed the cup beside the sink filling it with water. He walked back over and handed it to me. 

"I didn't have to leave." He said sitting back down. I chugged the water down and set the cup down. I hugged him again not knowing why, his hugs were just so right feeling.

He started playing with my hair and I started to think about what happened again.

The moment replayed over and over in my head. I felt betrayed and hurt but also like an idiot because all the signs were there. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought back to our wedding night, he seemed so happy then. But he just got cold and barely did anything with me it was like things had gone back to the way it was before we were good friends.

I couldn't help but feel as if maybe I wasn't enough for him, maybe he wasn't feeling satisfied. My tears turned to anger as I thought about how I had even waited till we were married. I began sobbing once more into Kacchan's chest.



"Don't you dare think you weren't good enough for that bastard."

"Was I mumbling again, ugh"

"No you weren't," He grabbed my chin to get me to look at him. "I just know you too damn well."

I started crying again but I didn't care, I was already emotional so it just keep coming.


We sat there for several more hours before he carried me back to his bed. He brushed my hair back gave me a small smile.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, when you feel like it you should probably brush your teeth.."

I gave him the best sad face I could do, because him just being here made me feel better.

"I'm only going to be a few minutes, and I'm just going to get some food" He placed his hand on my cheek and gave me another smile. "Sleep if you want, and feel free to look around if you need anything." With that he left the room, I followed a couple minutes later only to see him, through the window, speed off. I let out sigh as I already missed his warmth, he is just a big teddy bear with angry eyes.

I decided to look around, I had never been here before but it was very nice. Large windows and modern style furniture, it was very 'a designer did this and I don't touch it'. I wandered around just trying not to puke or cry again. 






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