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I had made it through the day without seeing Kacchan too much, and him having meetings helped a lot. But I not sure how I'm going to avoid him if we are hanging out later.

I paced around my bedroom and jumped when my phone suddenly went off.


"Hey Nerd. When are you ganna head over?"

"I was just about to leave is that okay?" I lied I didn't even have pants on.

"No that's cool. I did send you the address, right?"

"Yes, you did."

"Okay well see you in a few minutes then."

"Yeah byeee."

 I threw my phone onto the bed and proceeded to run around my room to find clean clothes.


I ended up dressed like a teenager, black jeans and a graphic tee, but it's fine.

I grabbed my keys and my phone, then I was out the door. I pulled up in front of his house and took a deep breathe before getting out.

"'Bout time dumbass."

"Sorry, I got distracted." 

"Mmm." He hummed as he closed the door behind me.

"So, what do you have planned?"

"About that, I um just have a movie 'cause I forgot to buy diner ingredients..."

"Woooooow." I teased.

"Shut up."

We sat on the couch a few feet apart and the movie started. To be honest I had no idea what movie was playing all I could like about is my slip up yesterday.



"Deku?" Kacchan asked.


"Can I tell you something?"


"And it's okay if you don't feel the same but uh..."




Suddenly a pair of lips crashed onto mine. Before I could kiss back, he pulled away.

"I like you, and not just as a friend, I know you just had stuff happen and you don't want to rush things, or you don't feel the same I just want to know if you feel the same way or not before I attempt to move on... and I-" He rambled honestly sounding like me.

"Oh, shut up. You sound like me." I said before I pushed him down onto the couch and roughly kissed him.

He immediately kissed back and put his hands around my waist pulling me closer. We boke this kiss for air and were both panting.



"I love you."

"I love you too."





I flipped us around, so he was now below me.

"You're so irresistible." I said lost in the moment.

We continued to passionately kiss each other; His hands snaked up my shirt as I kissed down his neck. I snake my own hands up his skirt and and trace his faint abs while I left love bits and hickeys on his neck.

I lift him up suddenly, causing him squeak in surprise, I just chuckled in response.

I messaged his hips slowly as I carried him up the stairs and into my bedroom. I set him gently on the bed then I removed my shirt then his.

"Where's the Kacchan I know? He'd never be this sweet." He teased,

I smirked and got on top of him once again. 

"So, your attitude is only turning me on more."

I began kissing down his chest and down his v-line, I swiftly leaned down, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down tossing them somewhere in the room. 

I played with the brim of his boxers with my teeth and look up to see his blushing face. 

He quickly covers his face as I smirk and kiss his inner thighs slowly moving inward. I sit up and unbutton my own pants as he stares at my body. 

I was now only in boxers, and I looked down at him then grab his chin.

"Are you sure about this?" He only gave me a pleading look before responding.

"Yes, but shut up." He pulled my down into another kiss and honestly that's when I lost control.

I slide down my boxers, his eyes widen as I grab a condom from the nightstand and rip it open with my teeth. 





 I'll won't say it 'cause it will just inflate his ego more, but his dick is way bigger than Shoto's.




(I'm sorry it's short again. First time writing spicy stuff and honestly can't help but cringe.)

TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE NIGHT??? jk I wrote these like four months ago-

Only one more chapter to go!!!!!

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