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I groaned, It was Sunday already, I'm going to die. Plus I just found out we are flying to Tokyo, I have never flown before. My anxiety was through the roof, and Shoto was god knows where but probably just in the kitchen.

The door bell rang.

"One second!" I zipped my suitcase and ran to the front door.

"Good Morning Deku." I wasn't expecting Kacchan.

"Good morning... wait how did you know where I lived?"

"I got it from pink cheeks, wanted to pick you up so you didn't have to leave your car at the office for a week."

"AWEEE YOU'RE SO THOUGHTFUL." I smiled. "Now come inside I need to finish getting my things together."

I moved to the side allowing him to step inside then quickly made my way back to the bedroom.

I awkwardly stood there for a moment before walking over to a wall with several photos. Deku was so handsome and I could barely stand it. Though I've decided to push back  my feelings till I'm positive he's single. Several photos had his mom, Auntie Inko, in them and god they look so similar. But I keep noticing a reappearing person, stupid hair and a stupid face, he always seemed to be near Deku in the photos. I was looking more closely when I saw a photo of them kissing...my heart hurt. Well I guess I was right someone did get him before I could, but it was bound to happen I've been gone years...

"Are you Kacchan?" A monotone voice said getting the blondes attention.

"hm? Oh no, not to you." Katsuki looked the man up and down noticing he was the same guy from the photos.

"Well then who are you?" 

"Katsuki fucking Bakugou. Who the hell are you?"

"I-" He started

"Oh! Shoto you're still here!" I ran to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh my god! Kacchan this is Shoto!"

"Nice to meet you Bakugou." He offered his hand to shake but Kacchan wasn't having it.

"We are going to be late Deku." Kacchan turned on his heel and headed towards the door.

"Just Kacchan being Kacchan..." I laughed dragging my suitcase behind me. "Bye?"


I know I should've been hurt by him not even saying I love you, but I wasn't for some reason. We got outside and Kacchan put my suitcase in the trunk and we got in but Kacchan stopped and looked at me.

"Who is he?"

"Shoto? oh he's my... husband."

"You don't sound to thrilled." In that moment I swear I saw a bit of hurt in his eyes.

"Oh I am I just, It's just he's been distant lately you know..." 

"Mhm. Ok then lets go."

We eventually arrived at the airport and just as were walking to the plane all my anxiety came rushing back. I froze and I couldn't move.

"Deku?" Kacchan grabbed my hand "It's okay, and it's a private flight so everything's going to be fine." He rubbed my hand with his thumb.

A blush spread across my cheeks, my heart fluttered at his actions. I looked at my feet trying to hide my blushing face as he lead us onto the plane. It all went by so slow, I couldn't stop thinking about him the whole flight. I was honestly about to slap myself because I'm very much married, but I was interrupted from my self reticule.

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