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"You've gotten soft." I smirked.

"What? no I have not!" He defended. "anyway what have you been up to all these years?"

"Well, I don't know. Um, Oh! I got marr-" I was cut off by the server coming to take our order.

"What can I get you, gentlemen?" She spoke with a bright smile.

"I-" cut off once more.

"He will have the katsudon and so will I but add a shit load of spice to mine." Kacchan said facing the waiter.

"Okie Dokie! And what to drink?" She asked.

"I'll have water please." I said quickly so I wouldn't get interrupted again.

"Me too."

"Okay! I'll be right back with the waters and your food will be out shortly." She walked away with her bubbly-ness.

"So what were you saying?" Kacchan said looking me in the eyes. I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous his ruby (ORBS :P) eyes were. "Deku?" He said interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh yeah sorry." I tried to think but all I could think about was him. "Um- I forgot what I was saying heh.."

"Nerd.. um how did university go?" He said making up a topic.

"Oh good, I met a lot of people and got a lot of cool opportunities! Like oh my god Kacchan I got to go to America!"

"That awesome, I guess a loser like you can make friends" He laughed.

"Oh stop it- Thank you!" I thanked the server as she set down our drinks. "So how did it go for you?"

"Um I guess the same, met some annoying extras and went to germany..."

"Germany!? Oh my gosh I've always wanted to go! You're so lucky!"

"Really? I think I would have enjoyed America better." He laughed.

We continued talking and our food came eventually it was very good especially cause Kacchan was there. We went back to the office after a while and went our separate ways.

That night all I could think about was Kacchan, I stared at the ceiling for hours. I barely even noticed the absence of my husband. In the morning I went to get coffee and did everything as I normally did.

"Good morn- Damn Deku you look rough." Ochaco giggled out.

"Ughhhh shut uppp." I grumbled taking a sip of my coffee.

"Good Morning- you look-" Kacchan started.

"Don't even start." I glared at him.

"Geez someone is a bitch in the morning.."

I just continued glaring at him will setting my things down.

I was watching this half asleep cutie set his things down, but when he set his coffee down I almost died. A ring on his finger, a gold band that actually looked not half bad. But deep down it hurt. I wasn't surprised someone snatched him up before I could but it still was painful. But he never brought it up.. maybe something happened or it isn't really a wedding ring...

The day went by quicker than expected and eventually weeks went by. We had grown close again and always at lunch together when possible. My husband has barely been around but I've hardly even noticed and I felt terrible.

"Hey Deku, I need this faxed to XXXXXXX" Kacchan spoke while setting a paper on my desk. "Also I need you on my business trip next week, it's all week but I doubt with the both of us it will take that long." He leaned on my desk waiting for a response.

"Oh! um I think I'll be able to.." I said barely paying attention all focus was on the email I was typing.

"Also Deku, you won the lottery."

"WHAT?" My eyes widened and turned to him.

"That got your attention huh? Anyway you need to pack if you are coming, we leave Sunday."

"Hey that's mean! And yes I'll pack, I still have several days."

"Tomorrow is Saturday Deku." He said bluntly.

"OH! Wait it's Friday???" I said pulling up the calendar on my computer. "Ughhhhhh."

"You're cute.. anyway fax that for me then go home and pack okay?"

My cheeks turned red at his comment. "Oh my god thank you.." I put my hands together in a prayer position and bowed my head repeatedly.

"See you Sunday Deku.." He chuckled, while walking away.

"You're leaving?"

"No I just have back to back meeting so I probably won't see you till then.."

"Oh okay. See you Sunday Kacchan." I smile and finish typing the email.

I opened my front door with a sigh. A note on the fridge said Shoto had made rice and would be home late again. I grabbed the rice and headed to the couch. I only then realized I have to spend a week away from my bed, to say I was Devastated is an understatement.

I finished my rice and began packing, I was folding some of my clothes when I heard the front door open.

"Shoto?" I peaked from the hallway.

"Izuku? What are you doing home so early?"

"what am I doing here? What are you doing home?" I questioned

"Came home to, uh change I sweated like a dog at the office"

"But why change just to go back?" I looked him up and down.

"I don't know its been a weird day... anyway why are you home too?"

"Kacchan sent me home to pack, I have a business trip next week..."

"Oh.. when do you come back?"

"Umm, I'll probably be back Saturday. I bet you'll miss me."

"Sure will.." He came and gave me a hug. And I swear there was a slight hesitation before he kissed me. Whatever, he probably just tired.

"So can we, I don't know, do something fun~" I said playfully and put my arms around his neck.

"Izuku, I- I need to change then get back." He avoided eye contact and walked into the bedroom. I let out a frustrated sigh, he had been denying me for weeks now. I hoped that when he was here he would at least want to be intimate but, nope. We haven't even had sex for months, if this is what its going to be like from now on I not sure how I feel.

So now I'm tired, horny, and stressed; I watched him walk out the door without even saying a goodbye. I was frustrated but I knew it was just because of how tired I was. So I lazily walked back to the bedroom to finish packing.

"God I hate business trips, ughhhhhhh"

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