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I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turned white. I couldn't even think about anything but Izuku, God I hate seeing him like this. It made me even angrier when I tried to imagine how the hell someone could do that to him. Any man would be lucky to have him, even if it was just platonic. I swear to god I'm just going over to get some of his stuff and not to start a fight. But sometimes things just happen, not my fault. I parked in front of the walkway and let out a breathe, I know Izuku would be mad if we did fight so I'll have some self control.

The blonde rang the door bell then stood there awkwardly. Eventually, Todoroki answered.

"You! Where the hell is he I swear to god if take advantage of him I'll-"

"Oh shut up you bastard," Bakugou pushed past him and walked into the hallway where Izuku's bag still was. He picked it up quickly and turned to walk back out, Todoroki stood in front of he, arms crossed. The slightly taller man just stopped and glared at him. "Please move, I didn't come here to fight you." He had started to get annoyed at this point.

"Mhm... I swear to god I'm going to kill you."

"Why? I did nothing except comfort your husband." 

"Fuck you."

"Fuck me? No thanks I'll pass." I walk past him then turn back. "One more thing," I punched him in the gut. "Okay that was it, for now."

I walked out of the house, chuckling to myself at how he grabbed his stomach in pain. I hadn't even hit him that hard, it was a very sloppy punch. 

Slamming the car door after putting Izuku's things inside, he got in and sped away. He picked up the food he had promised to return with and went back to the house. As he pulled in the drive way he couldn't help but think about this being the first time he actually was excited about getting home. He quickly got out of the car, pushing his previous thoughts away, then unloaded the food and luggage.

I heard the door open but I to exhausted to get up, until I smelled the food. I ran down the hall, down the stairs and to him so quickly I was gasping for air. 

"Geez, you're hungry I guess." He laughed at me.

"Yeah, yeah gimme the food."

"So bossy." He gave me a pout before handing me the bag of food.

"Yep... what did  you get- Katsudon!" 

"Mhm the only thing you ever eat..." He mumbled the last bit.

"Hey! It's good food now where is yours?"

"Oh I'm not hungry, I'll sit with you but I'm going to pass out sooner our later, it's already almost sunset. We've been up since 3 so.." He yawned.

"Do you think I could borrow some clothes.?"

"Oh, I went an got your suitcase, I knew it has mostly dirty things but I figured you had work and casual clothes in here... I can wash them but you can borrow something for right now"

"Thank you Kacchan, how did you get my suitcase though? Please say you didn't fight Shoto or something."

"I didn't ya idiot, I just went and got it then got the food.." He said already half asleep.

I had already devoured my food and was feeling drained as well. 

"Let's get you to bed huh?" I said standing up and throwing my trash away.

"Please..." He mumbled.

"You're so polite when tired, Come on let's go." I said grabbing his arm. 

He weakly followed me upstairs but stopped at the door. 

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