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‼Short Chapter‼

"Oh my god. Is that Katsuki?" 

I turned around to see none other than Mina. I groaned as I saw she looked just the same, tight dress, boobs out and with alcohol in-hand. 


"Katsuki~ How are you darling? ~" She asked.

"Stop Mina."

"Fine, fine. Anyway, how are you dude?" She said as she sipped her drink. She looked over to the confused Deku. "OoOOh who is this little cutie?" Deku turned red at the comment.

"Shut up Mina."

"Let the poor baby speak Kat!" She shoved me away and got next to Deku. I took this opportunity to search for my mother. Knowing her she would never skip out on this kind of party.

"Katsuki!" She apparently found me first.


"Oh, please don't suck up to me."

"Fine ya hag." 

"That's better. Now it's good you're here I was worried you skip out on us again."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I have someone I want you to meet." I felt my face heat up a bit but did my best to hide it.



Kacchan had left me with Mina who was super sweet. She seemed a bit on the tipsy side but overall, she is nice. She had started ranting about how mean Kacchan was to her, but she spoke so fast I could hardly keep up.

"Deku." I turned my head to see Kacchan and another spikey blonde.

"Auntie!" I got up from my stool and went to hug her.

"Izuku! My dear it's been so long; you're all grown up!" She hugged back.

"I know it's been way too long! How are you?"

"I'm doing good. This brat keeps me on my toes!" She laughed. "How's your mom deary?"

"She's good! You'll have to come by sometime. I know she'd love that."

"Yes! I need to make some time." She smiled warmly.

"Anyway, I think I've made my appearance. I'm leaving so I can go to bed." Kacchan said fixing his jacket.

"Oh, thank god! I'm drained." I huffed.

"Well, you two be safe. I hope to see you again soon Izuku." She gave me a quick squeeze before smacking Kacchan playfully on the shoulder then disappeared into the crowd.

I smiled at Kacchan and he rolled his eyes.

"Goodnight Mina." 

"Night Mina! Nice meeting you!"

"Night Katsubabe! Nice meeting you too Midoriya!" She waved.

We made our way out of the building and into the car. We sped off towards my house.

"Enjoy yourself?" Kacchan asked.

"Yeah, Mina was sweet, and I love your mom so much!"

"Good." He smiled. "So, when are you free? To hang out?"

"I literally have nothing but work the rest of the week. So, anytime!" I responded inwardly panicking about what might happen if we 'hung out'.

"Ok so how 'bout tomorrow?"

"Sounds good to me!" I said as we pulled up in front of my house.

"See you tomorrow, Deku. Thanks for coming."

"No problem it was interesting. I lo- Bye Kacchan!" I opened the door and hurriedly ran up the walkway.


"Yes?" I smiled nervously.

"I- Um,"

"What is it Kacchan?"

"You left this." He looked kind of hurt as he handed my phone. I gave him a smile and was too caught up in the moment I gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking inside and closing the door.



I touched my cheek where he had kissed and felt my face start to burn. I slowly walked back to my car still in shock.





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