Chapter 2

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"Has it really been eight years?" I ask, rubbing my chin. I'm surprised how long it's been since I've last seen Lily. There was a point in my life when I saw her nearly every day because of her being friends with my sister. She would either be at my parents' house hanging out with Paige or I would pass her in the hallway at school. Though, I guess when I moved out of my parents' home and got a place of my own, I didn't have had a reason to see her as we barely spoke to each other, which explains why it has been so long.

She nods her head and gives a small smile. "Yes. The last time I saw you was at your parents' beach house the summer before I went to Western Oregon University."

That was the summer I brought my then girlfriend home to celebrate our summer break from the University of Michigan. I remember how we spent most of the break either in my room having sex or at each other's throats fighting about meaningless things. Paige complained throughout our stay at the beach house we were ruining her and Lily's vacation and looking back, I can see why. I squeeze the back of my neck and look contrite. "Yeah, sorry about that. I was a bit of a douche back then."

She shrugs, seeming unbothered. "Don't worry, it was a long time ago."

I always liked Lily's kind demeanor and the caring effect she had toward others and I'm happy that this still seems to be the case. I can safely say that she had a positive impact on my sister, keeping her out of trouble and being there when Paige needed her the most, and I will always be grateful for this. "Thanks."

As we reach the end of one of the pebbled paths, I lightly take hold of her arm and steer her to the left so that we can walk in the vineyard's direction. "It's just this way."

I notice the quiet hitch in her breath as I touch her and I have to bite the inside of my cheek to prevent my mouth from forming into a smile. I always knew that she had a slight crush on me when she was younger and her reaction to me now makes me wonder if she still harbors some of these feelings. Looking at her blushed cheeks under the moonlight, I'd say that she does and I can't deny that doesn't please me a little. Lily always had a cute girl next door look, but as my sister's close friend and being two years younger than me, back then I never saw her as anything more than Paige's friend. Though, when I saw her for the first time this morning going about her duties, unaware of my presence, I couldn't believe the woman I was looking at. I was stunned at how she is even more beautiful today than she was in her teens and when she finally noticed me and walked up to me in her pale pink dress and smiled warmly I felt something inside me I had never felt before when thinking of her. I have tried to shake off the feeling for the rest of the day, putting it down to a re-connection of two people after years of not seeing one another but every time I catch sight of her I have wondered what it would be like to taste her lips or to bury myself inside of her; thoughts I absolutely should not be thinking. I've even faked that I have a woman lined up to be in my bed for tonight just to stop the temptation of doing something irrational and enticing Lily up to my room and having sex with her to get this wanting need for her out of my system. Hell, I could have had that bridesmaid back at the bar for tonight as she was more than willing to sleep with me, but her dark hair and slight frame reminded me of Sarah and the last thing I want to do is to have sex with someone who reminds me of my ex fiance.

As we walk into the heart of the vineyard, we become surrounded by masses of grapevines all running in perfectly neat lines. I can just make out the purple bunches of grapes hanging delicately, waiting to be picked, and it brings back memories of how I used to do this with my dad when I was a young boy.

"This place is still so beautiful, Max," Lily murmurs while looking around the acres of grape vines before her.

"It is. You can see why I decided to work for my dad's company. It's rare I get to come down and visit the actual sites, but when I do, it takes my breath away."

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