Chapter 16

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Fuck, fuck, fuck! What have I done?

Lily's startled eyes are staring down at me and as I look back up at her with the same expression, I wonder how in the hell I got us into this situation. I could blame it on her moan earlier from eating the pizza, or the playful fight we just had over my fucking competitors wine, or when the wine doused her dress resulting in her creamy breasts showing through the sheer material, though, I know I was in trouble the moment I opened my front door and saw her angelic face.

"What do we do now?"

The moment the question leaves her mouth, I make my mind up on how I want to respond. If anyone had asked me a week ago if I wanted to get involved with another woman, I'd have laughed and told them they were mad after everything I've been going through with Sarah. Her crazy antics could easily put any man off from wanting to go near another woman again, but when I'm near Lily, fuck even when I'm not, I feel this pull towards her. I know I should stay away from her because of her being my sister's best friend, but I selfishly still want her.

I straighten up from the floor and take four steps toward Lily and as I place my hands on either side of her face and bend my knees to meet her eye level, Lily nervously licks her lips. "What do you want, Lily?" I murmur. "No lies, no holding back."

I carefully examine her face as I wait for an answer, hoping to see some clue as to what she's thinking, though for once her face is unreadable. The silence seems to stretch out forever, and I worry that I have crossed the line too far this time. I'm about to extract myself from her and apologize when she brings one of her hands up and places it over mine. "I want you," she breathes.

"I want you as well."


"Yes. I have tried in vain to stay away; to not act on all the things I have wanted to do to you in my head, but I can't fight it anymore. You have entranced me ever since I saw you at the wedding."

Her glistening blue eyes are set on me, her pupils dilated. She wets her lower lip in anticipation and I find myself drawn to this action. Unable to be physically disconnected from her any longer, I close the remaining distance between us and glide my lips over hers.

This kiss is slower and more sensual than our previous one. We take our time to explore each other and I find myself enjoying it even more. After a few minutes of this, I walk Lily backward into the living room until her legs hit the couch and while I keep my mouth fixed with hers, I gently lay her down the length of it. She parts her legs for me, and I nestle in between them, feeling the heat radiating off of her core. I feel my cock swell from the sensation and I press myself against her, causing her head to fall back as she moans softly. "Max."

Taking advantage of her exposed skin, I kiss the sweet spot on her neck, licking and sucking as I work my way across more of her body. When I graze my teeth along her collarbone, she calls out my name again and gently pulls on my hair, bringing my mouth back to hers. While my tongue traces her lips, I glide my right hand beneath her dress, feeling her silky smooth legs. I imagine these very legs wrapped around me as I bury myself inside her and groan from the thought alone. I move my hand past her thigh and edge closer to her panties and I can tell that Lily is affected deeply by this as her breathing turns to soft pants as I skim my hand across the lace material before I slip one finger beneath the material and glide it across her sex.

"Oh, God," she cries out as her hips lift in response to my touches.

I give her a few more delicate strokes until the tightness in my pants becomes too much and realize that if I don't get her upstairs and bury myself in her fast, I'll end up cumming right here. I jump up from the couch and pull her up with me unexpectedly. She giggles and presses her hands against my chest. "What are you doing?"

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