Chapter 12

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I watch as Lily finishes the last of her soup and delicately pats her mouth with the napkin provided. As she moves it around her lips, I have to suppress a groan. I'm hard as a rock underneath the table thanks to Lily's moan from when she first put the soup to her lips ten minutes ago. I've been trying to remind myself that she's not mine, and that she is going on a date tonight to help make it go down, but it's useless. Lily has some sort of magic power over my dick, and she doesn't even know it. She's looking at me expectantly, like I'm going to take her back to her shop now yet I can't exactly stand up at the moment, not unless I want Lily and the rest of the room to see the hard outline on my pants. Thinking fast, I ask if she wants dessert. Her eyes light up at the mention of it, and I know I've bought myself some more time.

I convince her to put her thoughts of money aside, and she orders a tiramisu while I opt for cherry pie. When our desserts arrive, Lily dives straight into her tiramisu and lets out another small moan. "I can't believe I turned Paige down all these times to come here."

"I'm glad you're enjoying herself here. Maybe when Paige comes home, you two can come here whenever you like."

She gives a soft laugh. "I think I'd need to sell a lot more flowers to come here all the time. But perhaps a treat once in a while can't hurt," she adds with a smile before eating another spoonful of her tiramisu.

As we continue to enjoy each other's company, I'm finally able to make my body relax and I'm able to focus on getting to know Lily. As we talk about our families, I notice Lily's eyes keep darting over my left shoulder. At one point, three small frown lines appear on her forehead and she pauses with her spoon in midair, fixated on whatever has caught her attention behind me.

"Lily? Is everything all right?"

"Sorry. It's just... There's this woman who keeps looking over here." She releases a small breath. "Well, more glaring than just looking."

My back immediately stiffens. "What? Where?"

"She's sitting at the table closest to the entrance." She quickly drops her head and places her spoon back in the bowl. "She's looking at us right now," she whispers.

I push my chair back a little and turn in my seat, scanning the room for the woman in question. A sliver of raven black hair catches my attention, and when my eyes zone in on the woman's face, I swear.

"Max, who is she?" Lily asks, her voice filled with worry.

"My ex," I respond tersely as Sarah's hard eyes lock with mine before darting to Lily.

I notice the subtle narrowing of Sarah's eyes as she zones in on Lily and I ball my hands into fists, knowing what exactly is going through her head.

"You mean Sarah? The one you broke your engagement off with?"

I pry my eyes away from the woman who betrayed me most in the world and look back at a confused Lily. "Yes. I'm sorry. If I knew she would be here, I wouldn't have brought you here."

She shakes her head quickly. "It's fine. You weren't to know."

I look down at her half-eaten dessert. "I hate to ask you this, but are you okay with us leaving?"

I want Lily out of here as fast as I can, as I know it's only a matter of time before Sarah comes over here and says something cruel to her. She nods her head. "Of course. I've kind of lost my appetite, anyway."


She lays her hand on my arm. "Don't be. I enjoyed myself."

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I rise from my seat and Lily copies me.

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