Chapter 43

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"Preliminary findings suggest that the fire originated from here," the fire marshal informs us as he crouches to the ground and points to the area. "As you can see, there are burnt matches in the soil and from the line of accelerant residue we can see it seems the perpetrator doused the grapevines for the next 300 yards." I glower as I follow his line of sight and see the destruction that lay before us. "I've collected soil samples to test what accelerant was used, but my guess would be gasoline, as it's commonly used for arson attacks." With a huff, he stands upright and removes his cap as he looks up at the sun. "With the heat we've been having lately, it unfortunately allowed the fire to spread at a much quicker rate. You were lucky to have spotted the fire when you did, otherwise it could have been a much worse situation you'd be dealing with."

I rub my jaw. I don't feel lucky.

"Thank you for your help," my dad says grimly, shaking his hand.

"My pleasure. I'll be in touch with the results."

I shake his hand as well and then take a walk along the edge of the vineyard and ponder what to do with the burnt vines for now while the fire marshal collects his things and goes. The grapes have shriveled up and turned black, and what's left of the leaves crumbles between my fingertips.

"How much money do you think we've lost, son?" my dad asks, his lips draw thin.

I kick the charred mess and roll my shoulders. "With the additional costs like farming, insurance and interest expense, we would have taken off if we had harvested the grapes. We've lost maybe up to $40,000."

His eyebrows raise towards his hairline. "That much?"

I scratch my neck and do the numbers again in my head. "Potentially. With the amount of money we can get per ton at the moment for the grapes, we've lost a lot."

He shakes his head. "We'll see a small dip in profits, then."

"I'm sorry, dad."

"For what?"

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for Sarah, and I'm the fool who brought her into this family in the first place."

My dad grips my shoulder. "Son, I keep telling you, you have nothing to be sorry for. She's a disturbed woman who needs to be in jail. I'm just thankful that you didn't marry her, as she would be even harder to remove from all of our lives."

"Hmm. Thank fucking God."

Fuck knows what would have happened if I had gone through with the marriage.

We head back up the path with our men in black shadowing our every movement. I can now see why Lily detests having security around so much. I already feel stifled by their presence and it makes me more aware of the fact of the surrounding danger. I should give Lily more credit. Considering everything she's gone through, she hasn't complained once.

"I've set up an emergency meeting for ten-thirty. I'll break the news to the team then," my dad says gruffly as he unlocks his car.

I check my watch and see I have enough time for a quick detour to work. "I'll be there. I'm going to stop at Lily's shop first to see how she's doing. I could tell the security freaked her out earlier."

"Please tell her I'd like to pay for the damage to her car. It happened on my property and under my watch, after all."

I'm proud of my dad for offering to do this. Like my mom, he's always had a soft spot for Lily. They've both watched her grow up from a young girl into a woman, so there's a close bond there. "I'll let her know."

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