Chapter 42

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I wake up before the alarm and I silence it before it has to chance to go off. I'm shattered from last night's late activities and as I roll on my side and see Lily's sleeping figure, a small v indented above her nose, I can tell that she is too. She softly breathes as she sleeps and I spend a few minutes just lying here watching her. She looks so peaceful and I don't want to wake her.

The dull headache I had from the smoke yesterday has disappeared and I can breathe normally again, which is a blessing. I'm relieved that the fire didn't affect Lily like me and that she is safe from it. I caress her cheek, careful not to wake her and smile as I recall how she confessed her love for me after our lovemaking session. Even now it confounds me how this sweet woman can possess feelings like this for me when really she should feel resentment or hatred toward me for what has happened to her over the past few weeks. And yet here she is, in my childhood bed with me, entrusting her heart to me. I gaze at her for a short while longer, until I know I have to get up for work. I quietly slip out of bed and check my phone for any messages and find that Johnson has left one from an hour ago.

Johnson: My replacement has arrived for Mrs. Hail. You will find yours and Miss Hails clothes outside your door. Your Aston Martin has also been brought to the house.

Me: Thank you. Get some rest.

I'm pleased that the bodyguard for Julie has already been acquired, and it gives me one less thing to worry about. I open my bedroom door and sure enough, outside is a small sports bag filled with our clothes, along with some toiletries. The key to the Aston Martin lies on the top of them, a temporary replacement for Lily's car until hers is fixed. I carry the bag inside and place it next to the basin in the en suite and get to work on getting ready. I shave, shower, and dress in under thirty minutes and then reappear in the bedroom and find Lily where I left her, fast asleep, deliciously naked under the covers. My cock stirs from the mere sight of her and I would love nothing more than to covet her body with mine, but we're already cutting it for time.

I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and contemplate waking her. Though I hate the idea of disturbing her, I know she needs to get ready for work. Kneeling beside her on the edge of the bed, I run my hand down her arm and kiss her temple. "Time to get up."

She gives a small whine in her sleep and turns her head the other way. I can see that it's going to be difficult to rouse her, so I brush her hair out of the way and kiss the nape of her neck and try again. "Baby, you need to get ready for work."

She releases a garbled sound which sounds like 'ten more minutes', but as I look at my watch, I see that I've already given her as much time to sleep as I can. Kissing her below her ear this time, I nuzzle my nose against her skin. "I've already let you sleep in late. We'll be cutting it fine to get you to work on time."

With a huff, she opens her eyes and pouts. "Fine. I'm up."

I grin and kiss her soft lips. "That's my girl."

With a yawn, she stretches her body out beneath the covers, the white sheet slipping down her chest so that her breasts are on show. Unable to resist, I lower my head and place one of her nipples in my mouth and suck.

"Max," she moans as she squirms beneath me.

"More awake now?" I ask.

"Yes," she breathes in a way that makes my cock twitch.

It really is a shame that we don't have time to have morning sex. "Good. I'll be downstairs if you need me."

"Mmm. Kay."

"Don't fall back to sleep," I warn, gently slapping her ass as she rolls over onto her stomach. She shrieks in protest. I'm sure loud enough for my family to hear if they're awake.

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