Chapter 6

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Lily is sound asleep next to me beneath the covers. I haven't left her side since she was ill last night, so I'm still in my pants from the wedding yesterday. Her blonde hair fans around her face on the pillow, and her mouth is slightly parted as she breathes in and out gently, her soft lips tempting me to kiss them again. I keep finding myself replaying what Lily and I got up to last night in my head. The way she looked in her dress made me so hard that I couldn't think straight and when she kissed me, I couldn't help myself. I tried to talk myself out of it, but as I looked back down at her on this bed, all the reasons for not kissing her quickly evaporated from my mind. The way her body felt as I kissed her is still something I can remember. I remember each gentle moan she made as I ran my hands down her body to her hips and up her thigh, wanting to feel her wet and wanting for me. I'm kind of kicking myself for doing these dirty things to her when she had been drinking, but she seemed to know what she wanted and even took the lead at times, which was a real turn on for me. The only problem now is that I have done something I vowed never to do, which is make a move on my sister's best friend. I don't know what to do now, but all I know is that I'm in no hurry to leave this room.

After leaning against the headboard for a while longer as Lily sleeps, I eye the glass on the table next to me and decide to fill it with some fresh water, as I know she'll be needing some fluid inside of her when she wakes up. I pick up the glass and walk to the bathroom to refill it, though, when I walk back into the bedroom I see my efforts at not waking Lily were in vain as a delicate yawn sounds before she lifts her head up to look at me.

"Good morning. How are you feeling?" I ask smoothly as I make my way back to the bed and place the glass back on the table.

She sits up on the bed and looks straight at me with a cute blush on her face. "Better." She lifts her hand to her forehead. "My head hurts a little, but thankfully, that's all."

I nod my head. "That's good. If you need any painkillers for the headache at any point, we should have some downstairs."

"I'll keep that in mind." She clears her throat and smooths down her hair. "So, um, are you feeling hungover?"

"No. I didn't have many. Someone had to be the responsible adult and take care of the kids." I wink.

Lily rolls her eyes. "Hilarious."

She leans over me to reach for the glass of water I just replenished and I have to suck in a breath when I see her cream corset down the gap of her pajama top, her breasts straining to be freed from the material.

"I can't believe Paige's married. It's so crazy," she says after taking a sip of the water.

"Hmm, you can say that again. I never thought my younger sister would be married before me."

She tilts her head to the side and lowers her voice. "Sorry. I know things didn't work out the way you would have liked with your ex."

I'm a little surprised that Paige told Lily about my brief engagement with Sarah, but then again, friends talk. I snort. "At least I avoided a catastrophe and didn't end up marrying Sarah."

She takes a few more sips of her water and then licks her lips. "Can I ask what happened between the two of you? It's just that Paige, um, mentioned that you've been having a hard time with her lately since the breakup."

I shift on the bed. She has every right to ask, but bringing it up makes me angry, especially after seeing Sarah show up last night after I warned her not to come. "Let's just say her intentions weren't genuine."

Lily instinctively places her hand on mine. "I'm sorry. At least you found out before you went through with it."

"Yeah. Anyway, enough about me." I give a genuine smile and look down at her. "Why are you still single?"

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