Chapter 7

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"How was the rest of the wedding?" my mom asks as we sit around the small oak table in her dining room while we dig into her Cobb salad.

I finish chewing my food and swallow. "It was great. Everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Towards the end of the night, the band started playing some old classics, so everyone went crazy on the dance floor."

She laughs, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Sounds like you had a fabulous time, then."

I smile wistfully, remembering the wedding reception. "Yeah, I did."

I take a bite of chicken and chew when my mom lowers her fork and grins. "You and Max looked really cute when you slow danced together. It was nice of him to do that."

I weakly lift a shoulder, not wanting to talk about it. "He only danced with me because Paige wanted more photos."

She looks at me with mischievous eyes and continues. "You know, his mom tells me he's recently single. Maybe you should see if he wants to go for coffee or something."

Surprised by my mom's words, I start to choke on my food. She quickly reacts and pats me on the back, helping me to dislodge the blockage. After a few seconds, I'm able to breathe normally again, and I pick up my water glass and take a sip to dull the burning ache in my throat. "Are you all right now, dear?" my mom asks, concerned.

"Yes," I splutter. I grab my drink again and take a few more gulps. Thankfully, by doing this, the tickle in my throat disappears, and I'm able to talk normally again.

"I didn't realize you were enjoying my food so much that you were inhaling it," she jokes.

"Ha ha."

She leans back in her chair and strokes Milo's chocolate fur as he nudges his nose against her leg, begging for food. "Anyway, as I was saying before your little coughing fit. Max is a bachelor in his prime, and you should act on it. Why don't you ask if he wants to go for a coffee or something?"

"I don't think he'd be interested in getting coffee with me. It's like you said, he's only just become single. He won't be interested in going on dates." I lift a heavy shoulder. "Besides, he's always gone for slim, tall girls. He won't be into a curvy florist who prefers going to bars and eating takeout in my pajamas."

She scoffs, picking up a slice of chicken and throwing it on the floor for Milo to eat. "Nonsense. I saw the way he was watching you when you were singing on stage. No man looks at a woman like that unless he wants more with her."

My mom has no clue that only a matter of hours ago, Max King basically told me that nothing is ever going to happen between us; so whatever she thinks she saw is false. I wish that wasn't the case, and that he actually says he wants to see me again, but alas, I'm left craving him once more from afar. I spear a piece of tomato and pop it in my mouth. "Well, I'm not interested in being with anyone at the moment. I need to focus on the business."

"Tut, the business is blooming."

I roll my eyes at her pun while she chuckles.

"Yes, because I'm focusing all my attention on it. I don't need a man to get in my head and throw me off course."

She lays her hands down on the table and looks me straight in the eye. "You also need intimacy. When was the last time you were with a man?"

"Can we not talk about my sex life?"

"What? Sex is healthy. You should get it while you're young. A casual fling can be healthy."

And I'm done with my food. I push my chair away from the table and pick up my plate, taking it to the kitchen where I dump it in the sink. I turn on the faucet and throw in some suds to create a lather and vigorously scrub my plate. After a few minutes, my mom follows me in the kitchen carrying her own plate while Milo and Bailey, her two chocolate Labradors, follow behind her.

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