Chapter 49

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My body visibly shakes as I turn around to face Sarah and see the gun held steady in her hand, which she points in my direction. My breath hitches as I meet the end of it, knowing that it has been fired three times tonight. I'm utterly defenseless and have no means to protect myself while Sarah has her gun, which outmatches a single unarmed person easily and the only minor peace I can gain from my likely death is knowing that my mom is safe. I just hope that she will reach the safety of the rest of our security beyond the gate so that they can raise the alarm and have police on the scene quickly to catch her before she flees again.

I follow Sarah as she slowly moves forward in the dark while Milo backs up to be closer to me, his low growl filling the room. I notice that there is a slight limp to her walk and at first I think it's because of the exertion of kicking the door open, but when I lower my eyes I see she has tied some fabric around her leg, acting as a tourniquet. It raises my spirits slightly that one of the gunshots I heard might have come from Max's gun or security's, meaning they might still be alive. With Sarah also injured, it gives me a slight chance of being able to defend myself if I can just get the gun out of her hand. With a shaky voice, I ask the question that has been plaguing my mind since I woke up. "Where's Max?"

When I get nothing back, tears form at the bottom of my eyes. "Please tell me. What have you done to him?"

As I am met with only the sound of Sarah pulling the click of the gun back, I scream. "Tell me!"

Even if I am about to die, I need to know if Max made it or if Sarah got to him. I pray that he somehow made it out, as I can't bear the thought of him being gone. He's such a good, kind man who doesn't deserve to die at the hands of her. He deserves to live a long, happy life surrounded by those who love him. Though, if the worst has happened and Sarah has stolen has life, I only hope that there is an afterlife so that we can see each other at least one more time as I am sure that my life on this planet will come to an end soon.

Sarah halts in her tracks and chuckles quietly, her dark hair swaying as she does. With her face cast in shadow and her hand pointing the gun at my face, it makes her behavior all the more menacing. Slowly she reaches her free hand up and pushes her hood back and when the crack of lightning outside lights up the room, my eyes go wide and I open my mouth in utter surprise as her face does not belong to Sarah at all. "I guess I'm not who you were expecting, huh?" she asks with satisfaction in her voice as she grips her hair and pulls it off her head, revealing that she was wearing a wig to dupe us this entire time. "I gotta say it was hard to hold my tongue and pretend to be nice to you every day, but it was worth it to just to see the priceless look on your face."

As the wig hits the ground, I take in the short pixie cut that I have grown familiar to for the last couple of months, and as her red lips curl up in a cruel smile, I shake my head in disbelief to what I'm seeing. "Callie?"

She tilts her head to the side in mock pity. "Your idiot boyfriend couldn't believe it either right before I took him out. You should have seen his face," she cackles. "I think he was even more shocked than you."

A choked noise escapes from my throat as I hear she has done something to Max. "Is he-"

"Dead? Hmm... If he's not already, he will be soon, just like your bodyguards," she says, licking her lips. "I made sure to shoot him where he'll bleed out slowly. He deserves to die a slow, painful death after turning me down for you."

Bile rises in my throat. Did she seriously do all of this because she couldn't have him? "You monster!" I shout.

I take a step forward, wanting to get to Max to save him, but Callie quickly reacts and grips both of her hands around the gun, causing me to freeze. "That's harsh," she grins, clearly having fun playing with my emotions. "He had his chance to be with me and he chose wrong. What he's sees in a bitch like you I'll never understand, but that doesn't really matter anymore because neither of you will be breathing once I'm finished with you and I'll be free to find someone that truly sees me for me."

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