Chapter 44

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"I have to go," Max rasps into my hair.

"Do you have to?" I moan, burying my face into his suit. I can smell the faint scent of his cologne as I do this and it's such a comforting, familiar smell that I draw a deep breath, letting the scent envelop my senses.

He chuckles softly and strokes his hand through my hair. "Afraid so. My dad's holding a meeting which I have to be present for."

They must be telling the team about the damage to the vineyard. It makes me wonder whether Max and his dad will tell them it was arson. Will they bring up Sarah? Probably not, as I doubt Max wants this to become public knowledge. His security at the company already know not to allow Sarah to gain access, so they may just be told to be extra vigilant. Though, with Max and his dad having their own personal bodyguards, I doubt it'll take long for rumors to fly around the building, guessing why they have them.

"Okay," I sigh against his chest, wishing I could have him here with me for a while longer.

As I pull away from him, Max uses both of his hands to cup my face, his thumbs caressing my jaw as he leans in and brushes his lips softly against mine. "What was that for?" I breathe, feeling slightly lightheaded from the unexpected sweet kiss.

He shrugs and gives a shy smile. "Because I felt like kissing you."

I bite my lip at his affectionate statement and revel in the fact that I've found someone who will do things like this just because they want to.

Entwining our hands, we walk out of the shop together and see that Blake is watching us from the car stationed directly outside my shop while Max's one bodyguard stands two feet away from us, scanning the street.

"Johnson will join Blake in an hour."

"Will Blake be going?"


My brow furrows as I think about having two bodyguards. No one else in his family has as many as me, and I feel kind of silly for this. I wish I was stronger both physically and mentally so that I didn't need them, but I understand that after everything that has happened to me and with Sarah being on the run, having them here is better than having no protection.

"Don't overthink this," Max tells me softly, knowing where my mind is at.


He kisses my forehead where my worry lines are and I feel them smooth away instantly.

"Oh, by the way, my dad said he will pay for the damage to your car."

He is? "He doesn't have-"

"He wants to, babe," Max interrupts.

I shake my head and chuckle lightly. It feels cathartic considering how tense I've been feeling. "More money than sense. The both of you."

Max merely laughs and kisses my forehead again. "No. We just know how to look after our family well."

Family? Is that how Max and his dad view me? I mean, I know I've known Max's and Paige's parent's since I was a young girl, and I now know that Max loves me, but to hear that they possibly consider me as family warms my heart.

A disgruntled cough grabs my attention and I turn my head and see Callie standing under the door frame, holding a bag of trash. I realize that we're blocking her from being able to get on the path and I quickly apologize and move out of her way. Max pulls his keys out from his pants pocket and unlocks his Spider McLaren. "Now that we've come out to everyone, do you want to... I dunno... maybe move in with me? Temporarily, of course, until your apartment is fixed."

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