Episode 2

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In the last episode she heard a noise of something falling on the house.


                       She was frightened and went near the noise trembling with fear. When she went there she found a tiny space ship. In the space ship were three persons, a girl and two boys.

The girl was yellow and the boys were blue in colour. Their eyes were completely black.

They had big machine guns and weapons which she was sure weren't used on Earth.

They were found lying unconscious inside the space ship. She was approaching them with fear to see if they were alive, but when she went near them they woke up suddenly.

Seeing their black eyes she ran screaming to the room where she saw those paintings.

They went searching for her by splitting up and the girl went straight to the room where Moana was hiding.

When the alien girl went there she Moana crouching under a table.

With her powers the alien girl made Moana unconscious. When she woke up she found her hands tied at the back with her sitting on a chair. Moana saw three figures in front of her.

Then, when her mind became clear she recognized them as the aliens from the spaceship. The alien girl then made Moana wear a headphone which was very different compared to the headphones used on Earth.

The alien girl then made some connections and pressed a remote button which activated the headphones worn by Moana.

Moana then realised that it was a translator which was translating their language to english. The alien girl with a smirk said,

"Hello Moana, long time no see" .

To be continued...

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