Episode 10

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In the last episode Asterous finished the flashback by saying,"KRACHER tried to go near the palace but his guards pulled him into his spaceship and the spaceship went out of the planet".

                     Mizaqu, Moana, Ziqua and Chicha were sitting like the stones, drowning into the flashback.

Asterous said,
"Now I am not a king and our planet was destroyed. From that incident, I never saw KRACHER till now. But I heard the news that he started searching for GRAVIER to destroy and build his own Gangstorm".

Chicha said,
"Yes. You are right!".

Then after sometime Moana asked Asterous,
"So, why did you kidnap us?".

He answered,
"I didn't kidnap you. I saved you from KRACHER. He will surely find you if you were in that universe. If you were handed to Crista, she will show you the hell of torture. Don't ever get caught by her. Be careful".

Mizaqu, Chicha, Ziqua and Asterous's wife joined the meeting.

Mizaqu asked,
"Where are we now?".

Asterous's wife replied,
"You are away from your Earth. Many kilometers and kilometers away from you Earth and from KRACHER".

Asterous said,
"But not from Crista. She landed at each universe searching for you people. You need to go away from her. Don't be trapped by her".

Moana was slightly disappointed and said,
"Why do we have to run away from them?. Why??? That killed my parents, ruined my childhood, destroy my entire peace but they are happy now. They didn't even know about me. But they were slowly killing me".

She cried. Mizaqu tried to console her.

But again she started, by saying,
"We want to destroy their whole happiness, peacefulness, everything".

She started shouting.

Mizaqu hugged her and said,
"We can't kill KRACHER now. Without any army. Without any soldiers to battle. We need to create an army to kill KRACHER. Before that we need to stay away from KRACHER".

Moana agreed with a soft cry and said,
" Mmmm!!!".

Asterous asked with curiosity , "Where is the GRAVIER now?".

Ziqua said,
"In the mysterious house. I mean in Earth. But it will not be seen with our naked eye. We disappeared it".

Asterous said,
"It is safe only until KRACHER didn't know about it. So before that we have to take the Gravier along with us. Why did you leave GRAVIER there?".

Chicha said,
"At that sudden moment we couldn't take the Gravier along with us. If KRACHER saw us, we might have to lose our whole Gangstorm to him. Actually he saw us while we were escaping from the mysterious house. So we thought that it was not safe to take the GRAVIER along with us".

Ziqua thinks for a while and said,
"Yes. Asterous was right!! It is not safe to leave the GRAVIER in the Earth with KRACHER. We want to take the GRAVIER as soon as possible from Earth".

Asterous had an idea. He said,
"I have an idea!! Me, Chicha, Ziqua and my bodyguards will go to your planet Earth and capture the GRAVIER. We will not be captured by KRACHER. And we will come to our spaceship".

All of them were agreed expect Asterous's wife. She said,
"No. I can't leave you Asterous. Don't leave me plssss...".

Asterous smiled and said,
"I am your husband and the protector of our people. We want to protect our people. Don't be afraid. I will come soon".

He kissed on her head and hugged her. Moana and Mizaqu were talking to Ziqua and Chicha. Moana said to them,
"When I first saw you guys I thought you are the bodyguards of KRACHER and was trying to kill me. But now, I got attached to you so, if you get hurt I can't handle that pain. Plss be safe and come back soon".

Ziqua smiled and said,
"Don't worry. We will come back soon".

Mizaqu said,
"Pls be safe don't let KRACHER capture you".

She gave each of them a Bluetooth device which will show video and audio. They ned to wear them in their hands as a bracelet.

Mizaqu said,
"Keep it with you where ever you are going. Take care".

They four hugged each other and Ziqua and Chicha went to Asterous while Moana, Mizaqu went to Asterous's wife and his kids and people.

Suddenly Ziqua asked Asterous,
"If you don't mind can I ask you something?".

He said,
"Yes sure!".

Ziqua asked,
"Why you didn't land at the planet which your father told to you?".

He answered,
"I forgot to say something to you guys , KRACHER found that planet before us and destroyed that planet too".

Ziqua was shocked and asked him,
"How did he find that planet ?".

Asterous replied,
"We don't know about that . May be Crista told him about that planet".

Then the people waved their hands at Asterous, Ziqua, Chicha and their bodyguards. Asterous's another spaceship was waiting for them and they started their journey to reach Earth.

                       To be continued...

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