Episode 8

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In the last episode Asterous was lived with his people in their big spaceship as his planet got destroyed.


    They were surprised and asked him,
"What did you do to us?".

Asterous said,
"I have the power to understand any
language and I can give this power to others".

Then he asked them,
"Why do you come to our universe?".

Mizaqu said,
"Release us and then we will answer all your questions".

Asterous called his bodyguards and released them. While talking to them , Asterous's wife and his two daughters came and hugged him.

Asterous kissed his daughters and said,
"Hey my babies".

One of his daughter said,
"Papa!! Mama is not letting us near you . She said that you are doing some important work. What are you doing papa?".

Asterous said,
"We are playing a game. In this game, we want to win these guys".

He pointed the three aliens and Moana. Another daughter said,
"Cool!!! . We will help you papa to win these guys".

They started playing with the aliens and Moana. Asterous also started playing with his daughters and the aliens and Moana.

They felt so happy while playing with kids. Asterous became a friend to the aliens and Moana. After some time Asterous's wife and daughters went to sleep.

After they had left, Asterous again asked them with a kind and soft voice,
"Why do you guys come to our universe?".

Moana said the flashback and told KRACHER's name. Asterous face became serious after hearing KRACHER'S name.

This was identified by Ziqua and asked him,
"What happened to you Asterous?. Is that idiot made trouble to you too?".

Asterous said,

The four, Moana, Ziqua, Mizaqu, Chicha were shocked and surprised to hear this. Moana closed her opened mouth with her hands.

Mizaqu hit her head lightly with her hands. But Ziqua and Chicha pointed their guns on Asterous and ordered him to raise his hands.

Asterous started to say the flashback of his . He started ,

                "My planet is Crotium. My father was the king of our planet and he was ROCUS MITIN. My mother was LISIA. They named me as Asterous Mitin. My mother has a sister who is a witch named TICARIA.

I was born, after some years my mother died. So my father ROCUS married my mother's sister TICARIA. For them a baby boy was born.

TICARIA named him as KRACHER MITIN. I lived unhappily  with my step mother because my mother wants to play the role of the witch but it was not happened anymore. I had the character of my mother LISIA .

She was the kindest person I have ever seen . When KRACHER was a middle aged boy, he started to give torture to the kids in our Crotium. I was so angry on KRACHER and complained him to my father.

But he didn't said anything. After sometime he said sadly,

"It was my mistake to marry the witch. I married her as you mother asked me to marry her sister before her body got burned. I also promised her. But I didn't know that , the promise will push me into the gate of the hell. Your mother said that no one was ready to marry her sister TICARIA. So your grand mother said to your mother LISIA to ask me to marry her sister".

I was so sad that I wouldn't do anything even when KRACHER was torturing the kids. Our father couldn't hold back anymore.

So he vanished KRACHER and TICARIA from Crotium. TICARIA on getting angry on being vanished, cursed Crotium that,

"The end of this Crotium is nearing. And it will be because of my son KRACHER".

Then they left our planet . TICARIA, with her powers made many soldiers.

"No matter what happens, make sure that you will kill your father"

"Just like how we suffer, living in the spaceship you brother Asterous should also experience the same".

"I promise you that your words will come true".

Saying so , KRACHER waged a war on Crotium.


                              To be continued...

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