Episode 5

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In the last episode Moana opened her mouth to say what would have happened to her parents that day and more tears flouring from her blue eyes...


                      One day, Moana her mom and her dad went out to have dinner and while returning home, a big missile crashed their car.

But they escaped by jumping outside the car.

When they tried to run away , Moana got caught into a tree's branch and was hanging on the large tree. She was covered in leaves and branches.

But her parents were caught by KRACHER, Crista and Ratchet. When KRACHER slapped their face they became unconscious with blood coming from their mouth. When her mother opened her eyes she found herself being tied to a tree and her husband in another tree.

She then searched whether KRACHER was near them. Then she called her husband to wake him up. And she searched for her daughter with tears called her as
" M O A N A ...".

Moana answered her mother hanging from the tree. At last her mom found her at the tree branches. When her mom opened her mouth to say what to do next, suddenly KRACHER came.

He moved near Moana's father and asked
"Where is the GRAVIER?" .

He didn't answer KRACHER. Then he moved to her mom and asked her,
"Where is the GRAVIER?"
she also didn't gave him the answer .

KRACHER anger get its peak, he took his weapon which seemed to be a big rod with one side of a heavy big stone and on the other side of a big knife with sharp end.

He stabbed Moana's father with the weapon with pierced through his abdomen. Moana saw this scene with tearful eyes by closing her mouth.

Suddenly it started raining and the tree's branch in which Moana was hanging got covered by many leaves because of the rain.

She was scared to peak and saw what was happening, still she could hear the noises. Her father screamed out louder but sealed his pain by closing his lips tightly but her mother broke down into tears into begging KRACHER to let them go.

KRACHER doesn't know that that have a daughter .

"Give me the GRAVIER, I'll spare your life"
KRACHER said with a smirk.

Moana's dad replied
"Even on death I will never give you the GRAVIER, you will never have your hands" with a smile in his mouth and blood coming out.

" I will find a way to get it you both can go to hell together"

"We will never go to hell like you f****ing b**ch, we will go to heaven together"
said Moana's father.

KRACHER controlled his anger and smiled and said
"Your wish!!"

KRACHER ordered Crista and Ratchet to dig a big hole for Moana's parents. Crista freed them and said
"You both can die together now"
with a smirk.

They replied with a smile,

Moana closed her eyes tightly knowing that her parents are going to die.

She talked with her in her heart,
"I will live and het revenge for you both, I will stop his breath"
with a vengenceful face.

Her parents jumped on the hole with holding their hands, Crista and Ratchet started closing their eyes thinking about their beloved
daughter - Moana.

After closing the hole that boarded their spaceship and went to their Gangstorm. Moana then came down from the tree.

Then she went to het home with tearful eyes. Seeing about her condition the server's asked het what had happened and where are her parents.

Moana didn't answered them. They got fright and called her relatives, friends and neighbours. They came and asked her the same question.

Moana lied to them that,
"We got caught by the fire from the car. Mom throwed me from the car. But they couldn't save themselves. They died for me"
and started crying , remembered what actually happened there.

Then they said,
"Moana calm down. Don't feel alone. We are always with you".

But she can't control herself. She ran to her father's room and shut the door.

The relatives and servants got frightened thinking that she will take a wrong decision. They knocked the door.

At one movement Moana opened the door and said,
"Don't be afraid. I will be alive. I want to be alive. Pls go all of you!".

Then they went from the home and the servants stayed in the house till the morning. Because of this incident she took a decision to kill KRACHER with her smartness.

But she don't know how to reach KRACHER and where he was now. At the next day morning she went to bath. She put her hand into her pocket and took a map and a letter.

She took it from under the tree where her father was tied before his death. She opened the letter and started reading,
"GRAVIER was hidden in the house. But you what to follow the map to reach that. If you got Gravier it is yours. But if you can't find the Gravier the house will destroy!!. Good Luck!!!".

She opened the map and found the house. The house , where Gravier was hidden was the mysterious house where the alien's and Moana's 1st metting was held.

To be continued...

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