Episode 7

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In the last episode KRACHER came to earth with Crista and Ratchet tagging along.

          KRACHER's spaceship was landed near the mysterious house.

Mizaqu felt that something was wrong and kept the GRAVIER inside and locked the door and took the golden key out of the hole.

They ran out of the basement and went to the hall of the house. They saw that KRACHER was near them but didn't see them by watching him from the window of the mysterious house.

Moana said,
"I don't think we can defeat them if we stay here. We need to move to a safe place quickly!".

Ziqua said,
"Ok. We can move to the some universe. Right now!! Come fast!".

They ran to the basement and entered the password and put the golden key into the keyhole and took the Gravier. Chicha shout the GRAVIER with his gun and suddenly the Gravier became invisible.

Moana was shocked and Mizaqu said,
"We can make an object or a person invisible with this gun .Don't be afraid!".

Then they also found their spaceship which got crashed on the mysterious house.

They got into the spaceship and KRACHER heard a noise from the mysterious house.

When he went inside he saw the aliens and got angry. He ran towards the aliens to catch them. But they suddenly went outside from the Earth.

Crista and Ratchet ran to KRACHER and asked him what had happened. He burst out with anger and ordered them to find the aliens.

Crista and Ratchet ordered their bodyguards to find the aliens and stook at back of KRACHER.

After sometime Crista went along with her bodyguards to catch the aliens. When the shout the Gravier, it just disappeared. So the GRAVIER was still in the basement of the mysterious house.

But KRACHER didn't knew about it. He taught that the aliens had the GRAVIER in their hands.

The alien's spaceship has a feature, when they press a button, the holes in the spaceship produce oxygen so they can breath while travelling in the Universe or Gangstorm.

The aliens landed in some other universe and Mizaqu said,
"This universe is not a safe place. We have to move to some other place".

While they were talking someone bet on their head and made them unconscious.

When they returned to their mind they found themselves lying upside down with their hands tied with chain.

They can see each other as they were tied as a circle.

Moana became scared and said to the remaining 3,
"Where we are now? Who kidnapped us? Is KRACHER found us? Oh no!! Where is GRAVIER now?".

Ziqua said,
"If we want the answer for these questions, we want to wait".

After sometime they heard something was came near them. It was a type of creature with 2 strings on their head and there was only eyes and mouth on their face.

They had a small ears and their body was in violet colour and their eyes are in orange colour. Imagine the creature in your mind. The creature name was ASTEROUS.

First he came near Moana and touched her head. Suddenly an orange colour magic air came towards Moana's head from Asterous's hand. Moana's eyes became orange colour for a moment and came back to her normal colour.

And he repeated this to the remaining three. He started  speaking in some other language which they four didn't heard at their past but they can understand what he was talking about.

Asterous was lived with his people in their big spaceship as his planet got destroyed.


                       To be continued...

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