Episode 4

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In the last episode when they were resting spontaneously a big war space ship was entering the Gangstorm of the aliens.



                 They woke up in the morning and the 3 aliens gave her a small translator in the size of the bead.

Then the 3 aliens heard their leader call them and talk about the incoming space ship of KRACHER.

Moana was standing there seeing the three aliens talk with their leader and also discuss something between themselves.

"Why are you all so anxious?" asked Moana.

The leader said that
"KRACHER had set his foot on our planet - UTEON and he is searching for you and that machine with his army, there are thousands of creatures in his army so be safe. KRACHER's left hand - RATCHET and right hand - CRISTA are discussing about something and are planning to come to earth to get their hands on the GRAVIER and destroy the universe and build his own Gangstorm".

Crista heard someone leaking their plan. She has a power to become invisible and she went in search of the noise when she at last found the leader.

She saw him talking to someone and stood behind him, having a villainous smile on her face with her big mouth and staring at him with her red eyes which was scorching like the sun.

Then she leaned and whispered in his ear
with a sarcastic and scary tune.

The three aliens heard a voice say
" I FOUND YOU " to their leader and were startled.

They got chills down their fear started to cover their mind and all that was running on their mind was
"What will happen to our leader now?".

The aliens who understood english but couldn't speak english knew that the voice belongs to Crista.

Mizaqu, Ziqua, Chicha were too stunned to speak that no matter what they tried no words came out of their mouth.

Moana went near Mizaqu and shook her but she didn't respond so she took Miazqu's communication bead and hear what happened in the Uteon.

When she placed on her ear she heard a man screaming with pain and the sound of sword stabbing someone. She knew that the man was getting stabbed.

She too was stunned and her head was slowly turning towards the 3 aliens. She saw the three aliens cry but their tears were black. Then Moana realised that they are crying for their dead leader.

So she hugged them with tears flowing from her eyes for a man when she never knew.

A movement from her past flashed through her mind, she remembered that her parents screamed the same way the man did.

She opened her mouth to say what would have happened to her parents that day and more tears flouring from her black eyes.

To be continued...

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