Episode 9

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In the last episode Asterous was saying the flashback. He said,"KRACHER waged a war on Crotium.


                     "In Crotium an informant told my father that KRACHER is getting ready to wage a war against us. Soon he will reach our planet.

My father Rocus told me,
"Asterous, must take some of our people in the spaceship and get them safely to a planet which I have found.

No one knows where abouts of the planet. Come again and take the remaining people too.

Hurry up!!!". I told my father that I will do as he said and I took some people in the spaceship and was about to leave our planet.

In the meantime, KRACHER with his mother set their feet in Crotium. TICARIA the witch faced Rocus and told in a sarcastic tone,
"I told you didn't I ? The end of the Crotium will be by the hands of my son KRACHER"
and saying that she laughed like a witch.

Then KRACHER said to his mom to take rest in their spaceship and watch the end of Crotium with gladness.

Then KRACHER ordered my father to pass the message to me to run out of Crotium and he went to order his guards to get ready to destroy the Crotium.

The witch went near their spaceship and set her feet on the spaceship , suddenly my father closed her mouth by his hands and dragged her to the palace.

He throwed her in a room and closed the door. She got angry and tried to use her powers, but she couldn't do that.

Then she tried to call her son KRACHER but only wind came out of her mouth.

She couldn't speak . After some time, Rocus came inside the room and closed the door.

My father said to the witch angrily,
"You are not worthy to live at all! Aren't you ashamed? You lived in this planet and now you are ready to destroy it. You are a damn bi***. I married you for only one reason that my wife, my girl, my angel LISIA wanted me to marry you at her last breath . I thought that we will forget the past and will start to live a new life with out 2 boys. But you have done a damn thing".

The witch stayed silent. He continued,
"Your son is like you and not me! You both will not have a peaceful death. Both of you will die after feeling the painful and horrouble torture. And the first death is you, my witch"
he smirked.

She got scared and begged him to leave her. My father took a rope and he tied her with the chair and a table. He placed her hands on the table.

On the other side, KRACHER got the news that his mother was missing. He called the guards and told them to search every nook and cranny.

At last, he thought what if his mother was in the palace. While he was thinking this, my father on the other side cut the witch's fingers.

At the same time KRACHER saw his mother without fingers. He got so angry and ran near the palace. But our planet started collapsing .

And the palace got hit by a mountain's half and was destroyed. KRACHER saw his mom in the palace.

He tried to go near the palace but his guards pulled him into his spaceship and the spaceship went out of our planet".


                          To be continued...

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