Madmax {Part 1}

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3rd person pov

Lucas, you copy?
Dustins voice rang over the walkie talkie.
Ive got four quarters. Whats your haul?
"Take your puny haul and multipy it by five." Lucas said trying to show off.
"While you were screwing around like a homeless bum, I mowed Old Mans Humphrey's lawn. "
Old man Humplreys got that kinda cash?
"Just call Mike already."
You call Mike.
"I have to go take a shower from doing real work, like a man and i'm calling Y/n. Over and out." Just like that Lucas turned to Y/ns channle and asked how much she had and is she was ready.

The group of kids all got to the arcade all of them on there bikes well besides Will his brother had to take him there because his mom didnt want him to go missing again.

Lucas pov

We were all inside watching Dustin play Dragons Lair. "Oh, Jesus! I'm in uncharted terriotory here, guys!" Dustin said we all started shouting directions well besides for Will and Y/n they just watched. Soon his charter died. "No! No! No! I hate this over priced bullshit! Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!" Dustin again yelled but this time at the machine. "You're not nimble enough. But you'll get there on day. But untill then, Princess Daphne is still mine." I said trying not to laugh at Dustins defeat and Y/n elbowed me "Ow what was that for." I asked and she just shrugged.

"Whatever. I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig Dug." Dustin back ignoring what just happened between me and Y/n. I mean yeah its normal but for them not to say anything this time was a little weird usly they will be laughing and teasing us. Not this time they pretened not to know what happened and it was clear what had happened but whatever its not that important right now.

"Sure about that." Keith said while eating Cheetos. "Sure about what?" Dustin turned around quickly to face him. Keith didn't say  anything he just gave Dustin a look and he ran to the machine. "You're kidding me. No no no no no." "I think he lost his high score." I whispered trying not to laugh to Y/n she just shook her head and laughed a little but no one noticed.

"751,300 points!" Will read off impressed "That's impossible." Mike said after Will "Who is madmax?" Dustin asked Keith "Better than you." He awnsered resiving the finger from Dustin. Y/n laughed "Is it you?" Dustin asked her. "No its not you should know that i dont play those and plus why would i put Madmax?" She said with a attuide it was cute. "Yeah true." Dustin said not pushing it anymore.

"Is it you?" Will asked Keith. "You know i despise Dig Dug." Keith awnsered scoffing god he was annoying. "Then who is it?" I asked. "Yeah, spill it, Keith." Dustin demanded. "You want information, then i need something in return." Keith spoke as he looked at Mike. "No no no. No way. You're not getting a date with her." Mike awnsered knowing what Keith wanted. "Mike, come on. Just get him the date." I said i wanted to know who Madmax was.

"Im not prostituting my sister!" Mike yelled back at me "But its for a good cause." "No, dont get him the date. Know what? Hes gonna spread his nasty-ass rash to your whole family." Dustin said "Acne isnt a rash and it isnt contagious, you prepubescent wastroid." Keith aguded back it was clear that Dustin had got to him about it. "Oh, im a wastoid? She wouldnt go on a date with you. You make, like, what? $2.50 a hour?" Dustin said aguring back "Nice perm." "Gonna make fun of my hair."

To amit it was funny I laugh quitly so no one heard but Y/n heard she looked at me and tryed not to laugh her self and just shook her head. Dustin and Keith kept aguring but i zoned out ha look im turning into Y/n zoneing out ok that was a back joke. "Ow" I said quitly Y/n elbowed me again. "What was that for?" I asked but made sure no one would hear me besides her. "For saying you're turning into me with zoning out." She said i was confused but then i rembered and i laughed "Sorry." I said "Love birds come on." Mike said. Me and Y/n rolled our eyes at the same time theres the joking from everyone. "Shut up." I said "You know its ture." Mike said. Yeah sure.

777 words

ok so that happened anyway i got board and decided not to make you guys wait if you have any ideas let me know bye Loves

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ok so that happened anyway i got board and decided not to make you guys wait if you have any ideas let me know bye Loves.

Love {Lucas sinclair x Y/n} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now