Pollywog {Part 2}

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Y/n pov

Before Mike had put the light on it he started asking questions about it. "What is he?" Mike asked. I would like to know how you know it is a he thats my question. "My question exactly." Dustin said and went to his backpack to slammed a stack of books on the table. "At first, I thought it was some type of pollywog." He contuined. "Pollywog?" Max asked. "Its another word for tadpole. A tadpole is the larval stage of a toad." Dustin expained. "I know what a tadpole is." She said rolling her eyes.

"All right, then you know that most tadpoles are aquatic, right? Well, Dart, he isnt. He doesn't need water."

"Yeah but arent there non aquatic pollywogs?" Lucas asked. "Yes. There terrestial pollywogs. Two I believe. Right?" I said asking Dustin but also awnsering Lucas. "Yep two to be exact. Indirana semipalmata. And the Adenomera andreae. Ones from India, and ones form South America. So how did one end up in my trashcan?" Dustin said reading of the book he had flipped through. "Maybe some scientists brought it here and it escaped?" Max said trying to make sense of it all. Once Max had said that Mike changed hes wheigt and Lucas looked at me.

Mike looked at Dart. "Do you guys see that? Looks like something is moving inside of it." Mike said. Im just glad that we are calling it and it and not a he. Mike then brought it up to the light and it scheerched. Dustin caught him. "And theres another thing. Reptiles, there cold blooded, Ectothermic, right? They love heat, the sun. Dart hates it. It hurts him. (Ectothermic thats a big word for elmo ok ill leave.)

"So, if hes not a pollywog or a reptile..." Lucas traild of waiting for Dustin to speak. "Then Ive discovered a new sqecies." Dustin said.

A scilence went over the group. "Hes never gonna get a girlfriend." Lucas whispered to me. "You never know maybe he will find another nerd." I say trying to laugh. "Maybe." he said back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"This is why I was late to class." Dustin said holding the ghost trap that had Dart in it. "Pretty neat. These doors function?" Mr. Clarke said not intresting at all. "Well, yeah obviously. But its not about the trap. Its whats inside. Now, this very well may change of the world." Dustin contuined.

"Consider my intrest piqued." Mr. Clarke smiled showing that he wanted to know more. "All right, first, lets just clarify that this is my discovery, not yours." Dustin says. "Dustin, Jesus! Just show him!" Lucas snapped done with Dustins shit. "Im just trying to clarify-" Dustin began. "Dustin!" Me and Max yelling at him to contuine what he was saying. "Okay fine." He said but before he could tell Mr. Clarke about the pollywog Mike came in and. "Stop! Im sorry, Mr. Clarke. It was just a stupid prank." Mike said in a rush. "What are you doing." Dustin said irritated and I rolled my eyes. "I told him to stop. We need to go. Right now. Right now!" Mike said while with a scared look in his eyes.

Mike and everyone went into the AV room while I stayed outside with Max because I knew Lucas or Dustin will tell me or Mike will end up doing it.

Soon Max went to open the door because she was tired of sitting outside and it opened. "What was that?" Max asked. "Dart!" Mike said angrly I wanted to punch him in the face for how he was treating her. "What?" "You let him escape!" " Not like she ment to on perpouse!" I yelled at Mike. He can be nice but also a asshole at the same time so its a hate love friendship with him. "Why did you attack him?!" Dustin yelled at Mike shoving him into the wall. "Come on." Mike said walking out the door running down the hallway. "Dont hurt him. Dont you hurt him." Dustin yelled at Mike.

I was spacing out while everyone was talking looking for the pollywog thingy. I got brought back to reality when Lucas kicked the door open. "Exuse me! Mr. Sinclair!" A teacher yelled. "Sorry looking for study hall. Bye!" He said back. "Nothing here man." he spoke on the walkie talkie. "Why did you kick the door open?" I asked. "I was bored and you were zoning out again." He said while laughing. I went down I diffrent hallway and told Lucas to come and get me if they say anything and he said he would. "Y/n come on Salerno!" I heard Lucas yell at me. I went running down to Salerno. "The bathrooms." Lucas said and I nodded and Will wasnt there. "Where is Will?" I asked and everyone shugged. "Oh my god come on we have to look for him." I said while runnig.

824 words

Athours note

Ok so my second day of school was today. If anyone cares it went good but this girl was being rude to me because of something that happened last year. I got adopted by people in a grade above me so thats fun. But yea today went good if you care. Bye loves love you have a good night or day.

Love {Lucas sinclair x Y/n} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now