Madmax {Part 2}

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Y/n pov

"Meet the human brain. I know. I know, it doesnt look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution. All working as one." Mr. Clarke said teaching us about the human brain. I zoned out for a while untill i heard the door open.

"Ah, this must be our ne student." Mr. clarke said. The girl had firey red hair that was a decent length and a red jacket and her backpack over one shoulder. "Indeed, it is. All yours." The princable said while walking out of the classroom closing the door. The new girl started to walk over to a open seat in the back before the teacher stopped her.

"All right. Hold up. You dont get away that easy. Come on up. Dont be shy. Dustin, drum roll!"

Dustin closed his book with a smile on his face and started tapping it.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California. The latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine." Mr. Clarke said as he turned towrds the girl and Dustin stopped tapping on his book and opened it again. "it's Max" The girl said. "Sorry?" "Nobody calls me Maxine. Its Max."  "Well, all aboard, Max." Mr. Clarke let her go to her seat "Mad Max." Lucas said to Dustin.

The boys kept looking at her and soon i turned and mouthed 'Sorry' to her and she slightly smiled. I hope shes nice it would be nice to have a friend thats a girl well I did have El but shes not here right now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The boys were standing behind a chain link fence and looking at the girl. If people would of seen them staring people would think that they were planing do to something. "There's no way thats Mad Max." Mike said looking through the fence "Yeah. Girls dont play video games." Will said I didnt even say anything all I did was look his way and Dustin started laughing. "Shut up will you?" I said "Yeah I will shut up and plus girls do play video games Will just not a lot of them." Dustin said trying not to laugh and Will started laughing.

"But even if she did play video games, you cant get 750,000 points on Dig Dug. Its impossible." Mike said

"But her names Max." Lucas added not looking away from her the boys kept talking as I walked over to her.

"Hey i wanted to say sorry for the boys that were and still are staring at you." I said "Oh um thanks are you friends with them or something?" She asked "Yeah I am and trust me sometimes im surpirsed I am." I said earning a laugh from her. "Well im Max." "Im Y/n." "I have a idea you have a pen or something?" I nodded and grabbed a pen out of my backpack and she wrote on the paper wrighting Stop spying on my creeps I laughed as she crumbled the paper and threw it away. "Wanna go to the acrade later?" I asked "yeah sure." She awnsered and she walked away.

The boys came running up to me. "What does that paper say?" Lucas asked. "Guess you will have to figure that one out. Anyway she said something about videos games later today so bye." I said before running off to get the my house before meeting up with Max.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I made it to the arcade and sat down on the ground waiting on Max. I kept seeing things out of the conner of my eye but thought nothing of it.

Lucas Pov

Me and Dustin made it to the acrade waiting to see if the Max girl would show up and to my surpirise Y/n showed up. "What is she doing here?" I asked Dustin "No clue but that isnt the point focus on Max and stop worrying about your crush." Dustin spat back. "I dont not have a crush on her." Dustin just looked at me and rolled his eyes. I do but he dosent need to know that.

"Still no sign?" Dustin asked "Jack shit." I said "Oh! Damn it. My moms gonna murder me." "So go home. Ill radio if she comes."  "Oh, yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move becasue Y/n dosent want you." "Oh, cuse youre such a threat. And even is Y/n didnt want me I wouldnt date another girl to make her jelous." "Thats right I am a threat. She will not be able to resist theses pearls. Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock." "What?"

Y/n pov

I saw a car speading through the parking lot if there was people in the way they would be good as dead. I saw Max get out of the car and I stood up making sure to clear the way so I wouldnt get run over. Max and who im guessing her brother were fighting and before the car door got closed he drove away but she closed it and then flicked him off. "Who was that?" I asked. "My step brother hes a pain in my ass anyway lets go." She awnsered "Ok."

We walked inside and she started playing pacman. "Wow your good." I said "Yea just havent been able to beat the highscore." She said still focused. "Yea i made it pretty hard didnt i?" I asked while laughing. "Wait you mean your (Isntert nickname here)?" "Yep" "Wow." "Im guessing your madmax?" "Yea."  "Dustin got so mad when he found out you beat him in digdug." I laughed "I bet he did." she laughed too.

I walked out of the arcade and saw Lucas. "Lucas!" I called out to him. "Oh hey Y/n." He said. "Are you ok?" "Yeah im fine why do you ask?" "You just seem upset." "Its nothing i promise. Do you want to hang out at my place?" "Sure." I said while laughing and we got on our bikes and left to his house.

1024 words.

Athours note

Hi loves im so sorry i kept you waiting i was busy with family. i didnt really know what to do for this one but i desided to make Max and Y/n friends becasue why not. if there is anything you want me to add then you can tell me :). Bye loves have a good day/ Good night.

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