MadMax {Part 3}

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Y/n Pov

We started to ride back to his house "What were you doing at the arcade?" Lucas asked. I dont know watching a movie I was playing the games. "Playing with Max she invited me to hangout why else would I be over there." I said awnsering him "I don't know." "Okay. Um were here let's go inside." "Okay."

We walked inside "Lucas I need you to do the dishes please. Oh hi y/n how are you lets talk over here while he does the dishes." Mrs. Sinclair said while pulling me to the table. "So are you and Lucas dating yet?" She asked. "What? Oh no were not." I said while laughing. "You know he" She got cut off. "Mom!" Lucas yelled from the kitchen. I laughed "Shut up its not funny anyway lets go." He said to me. "Don't tell her to shut up." His mom said while trying to laugh. "Sorry be quite please it's not funny. Better? Lets go." He said while pulling me to his room.

"So what was your mom talking about? Be for you rudly interupted her." I said once we got up there. "Nothing don't worry about it." He awnsered. We started talking for what felt like hours. "Hey do you wanna spend the night it's getting late." "I have to call my brother and ask and get my things but sure." "Okay we can just ride over there." "Okay."

We got on our bikes and went to my house it wasn't far away so it didn't take long. "Hey Steve you here?" I yelled. "Yea what's up." He said while running down the stairs. "Is it okay if I spend the night at Lucas's tonight?" "Yea it's ok go get your stuff." I nodded and ran up stairs to get my stuff.

Steve's pov

"So" I said. "So what?" Lucas asked. "Anything going on with you and my sister?" He just looked at me confused. "Oh no nothing it going on." He said while shaking his head. "Why dose everyone ask that?" "By how you two acted around each other it's clear you two like each other." "Ok fine you caught me I like her but she dosen't like me." I sighed is he that blind? "Yea sure anyway have fun doing what yall are going to do and no funny business." He put his hands up. "Nothing with happend."

"Bye Y/n be safe on your way don't need you pulling a Will." I said whole trying not to laugh. "Yea so funny Steve." She said rolling her eyes as she got on her bike. They grow up so fast.

Lucas pov

We were on our way back from her house. "So what did steve toucher you with this time?" She asked. "You know the is anything happing between you yet?" I awnser and she laughed. "Of course he did. You know he pushes me to get a boyfriend but if I talk to a boy that's not in the party he gets protective?" "So he wants you to date someone in the party?" "I don't know its Steve who knows what he's trying to do." She said while laughing.

Her laughs cute. There's a whole list I can make about why she's perfect and it would be as long as from Washington state to New York. (That made no sense but imma go with it.)

We got to my house and went back upstairs and layed down and talked.

We were about to go to bed because well it was almost 5 in the morning. "Good night Lucas."She said getting off my bed. "Good night Y/n." I said she leaned over and kissed my forehead and I did that same and she went to bed.

632 words

Authors note

Hi loves sorry for taking so long to post the chapters I have been busy and I thought you would like to know what happend with Lucas and Y/n when they went to hangout so here you go sorry it was so short and I hope you like it. August 10th I start school so that will also be in the way but I will try to get stuff done. If you have any recommendations for this book let me know. Have a good day/night loves <3.

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