Trick or treat, freak {Part 1}

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Y/n pov

It was the day after I had a sleepover with Lucas. If I'm going to be honest things have changed since last year with me and him. I dont know if it's me being well me or it's both of us. When we are around each other I get butterflies (Ew ok let's continue) and I donnnt know if its just me or its him too. Ok I have to stop thinking about this and lets get changed. I dont think anyone will want to wear the costumes so im not going to wear mine I will just put it on after school when we are all getting ready to go.

I got to school and saw the boys in their costums. I was trying so hard to not laugh. They looked surprised when they saw no one was wearing coustms they were talking but I was to far away to tell what they were saying so I walked up to them because well I wanted to know what they were saying and I had to put my bike up. "Hey guys." I said while walking up to the bike rack. "Y/n why arent you wearing your costum? I mean we planed for everyone in the party to wear their costum today." Mike said while trying? to look cool. In all honesty he was not pulling it off.

"Oh yea I decided not to and looks like I made the right chose anyway lets go we dont want to be late to class now do we. Right?" I said while smiling because well one I was trying not to laugh and Lucas and his facial expresions and I was just happy with what I said and Mikes reaction. He had his mouth slightly open like he just watch me kiss his girlfriend or something and then rolled his eyes. "Yea we dont want to be late." He said back while walking next to Will. I feel bad for him I mean his crush doesnt like him back and with everything going on right now but also Mike might like Will by the way they are acting around each other and I know im not the only one seeing that I have asked Lucas and Dustin both if they could tell and they could.

"Who you gonna call?" One kid said while laughing. "The nerds!" His friend said back I dont even know who they are I thought they were Troy and his little friends but he hasnt really bothered us as much as he had last year.

Max started to skate down the hallway and waved to me then went to her locker. "Dude." Dustin said while hitting Lucas on his arm. It was clear Dustin had a crush on Max. "We gonna do this?" He contuined. "Right now?" Lucas questioned. "Do what?" I asked. "Dont worry about it." Dustin said "Damn ok whatever." I said and continued. "Dude be nice she just wanted to know." Lucas said thinking I couldnt hear him but I could even though I was at my locker.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After class~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After class I saw Max. "Hey Max wait up." I said calling to her. "Hey Y/n wanna hang out today after school?" She said. "I mean you could help me get ready for holloween Im going with my other friends." "Sure do you think it would be ok if I went." I thought for a minute I mean the only one that would have a problem is Mike and well that 4:1 so she could go. "Yea but Mike would not like it but hes a ass anyway so everyone else would love to have you there." "Ok Ill come over to your house and we can get ready." "Ok see you there Madmax." "See you later (Insert nickname here)"

Lucas pov

After class me and Dustin went to go see Max to see if she wanted to go trick or treating with us and for the record Dustin is the one who dragged me into this and I think Y/n would like to have another girl in the party besides El.

We found her. "Hi Max. Im Dustin and this is-" Dustin started then got cut off by her. "Lucas. Yeah I know Y/n told me about you." Max said to me. Wow Y/n talks about me I mean it could be bad or good so not gonna give my hopes up.

"You guys are stalkers you know that right." She said. "Uh, no, actually. We werent stalking you. We were just consurnd you know bullies." Dustin said while nervously laughing. "Is that why you are wearing proton packs." She said looking at our costumes. Dustin started showing off and and then asked if she wanted to go trick or treating with us.

"Um are you sure it would be ok? I mean you know by the things Y/n had told me I dont think Mike i think would be happy." She said I could tell she was being sarcatic. "Yea it would be fine." I said (Im not doing the whole explaing thing because im Lazy) "That's presumptous of you." She said while smiling in that weird way people do when they are being sarcatic. Dustin yelled to her and told her where we were meeting up.

Y/n pov

I was laying down waiting on Max then there was a knock on the door and looked throuh the hole thing in the door and saw someone who didnt look like Max.

930 words

Authors note

Hiiiiiiiiii loves sorry I said I was posting today so I did and I think you can tell where I switched from my phone to my computer anyway I have been busy. I think I might be able to post tommorow I think im not sure but anyway my bestfriend had her first softball game yesterday. Sadly they didnt win but they have one monday I think. Ok imma go I have to go get ready to eat dinner with my brother and his girlfriend ok byyeee loves have a good day or night <3.

Love {Lucas sinclair x Y/n} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now