Dig Dug {Part 1}

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Y/n pov
I spent the night over with Lucas. I was walking out the bathroom when his mom stopped me. "Hunny here sit down and eat something." She said. She was always kind to me not so much her sons other friends but me she liked and was nice to. I sat down next to Erica and Lucas. I didnt need to hear them fight and looked like their mom didnt either so i sat down and she handed me my plate. "How'd you sleep?" Lucas asked me. "I slept fine you?" I said. "Good i had a really good dream anyway." Lucas said before turning to his dad. "Dad?" He said looking up. "Huh?" His dad said back. "When moms mad at you, how do you make her not mad?" Lucas said. " Why?" I asked. "Future reasons you dont need to know." He said. "Hmm. That's a great question. How do you, hon?" His mom said looking at his dad. Okay this is tottally not weird. "First, I apologize. Then, I get your mother whatever she wants." His father said. "Even when she's wrong?" Lucas said. "She's never wrong, son." His father said. "Thats right." His mom said and giggled. I got up because i was done eating and so did Lucas but he wasn't done. "Not hungry?" His mom asked him. "Not really."

I walked outside to wait for him. He ran out and got his bike. "So what excuse did you use?" I asked. "Dustin."

We made it to the arcade.

We waited till Keith had Max go in the back. I didn't think this was gonna work but it was worth the shot of having her know the truth and stop asking us. I don't think she will believe us I mean, it's a story that's true but so out there that it doesn't make sense, and also to point out as soon as she knows she is most likely going to be a risk to what is going on.

Me and Lucas just sat in silence till we herd Keith open the door and Max walk in. "You better get me that date now, Sinclair." Keith said looking at Lucas. "I told you i would." He said clearly annoyed. "And keep things PG in here alright?" Keith said looking at all three of us. "What is this shit, stalker." Max said walking up to Lucas. "Sorry, we just needed a safe place." Lucas said. "We?" Max said. "I'm here to, you know." I said standing up. "Oh didn't see you, sorry." She said. I walked out the door but stood in front of it hoping nothing would happen. 

Time skip 

Max opens the door and finds me out there. "Great story by the way." She said. I don't know why she is mad at me i have done nothing to her. 

"What's wrong with you? I gave you what you wanted." Lucas said. "Okay whats happening?" I asked. "She doesn't believe it." He said rolling his eyes. "Damn, okay everybody be mad at me then." I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "I wanted to be a part of the group, not a part of some joke." Max said. "It's not a joke." I said walking next to Lucas. "You did a good job, okay? You can go tell the others i believed your lies if it gets you experience points or whatever. "Max said starting to walk away. Lucas grabbed her arm and turned her around. "We have a lot of rules in our party, but the most important is, 'Friends don't lie.' Never ever. No matter what." Lucas said to her. God is this fucking kindergarten, who says Never ever? 

"Is that right?" Max said walking away and Lucas followed her. God damn how much more of this are we going to do? It's like a fucking dance. 

"Then how do you explain this?" Max said tapping on the Out Of Order sign on Lucas. "I had to do that. To protect you." Lucas said. I was getting bored so i started to look around still focusing on the conversation. "To protect me from who, exactly? The big bad government baddies from Hawkins Lab?" Max said. "Lower your voice." Lucas said. I started to walk around her to the back if i needed to cover her mouth. "Maybe it was to protect me from the Demogorgon from another dimension?" She said. This started to get on my nerves. "Max! We are serious! Shut up!" I said. "Oh, no no no no. You know what it was? It was Eleven. The girl--" She started to talk then i covered her mouth. 

"Stop talking." Lucas said. I leaned next to her ear and whispered. "You are going to get us killed. Do you understand?" I said. "You guys are serious?" Max said looking in between both of us. How was no one else seeing this? We are in the middle of a fucking arcade. "I really wish we weren't." Lucas said. "Prove it." Max said. How the fuck are we suppose to prove something like that. In the middle of the arcade!?! "I can't." He said. "So what? I'm supposed to just trust you?" Max asked. Yeah you are. That would make this a whole lot easier. Lucas said yes and then we heard a car. It was billy. 

900 words 

Hey loves i am so sorry this took so long to get out i have been really busy and had no motivation. Have a good day/night. Love you. <3

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