Pollwog {Part 1}

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Y/n pov

We were walking in the hallway and Max kept asking questions about Will and why everyone called him Zombie boy. "I still dont get why they call him zombie boy. I mean, I get it. He got lost in the woods for a week or something, but why is he a zombie? Because everyone thought he was dead?" Max said as she was still trying to put the pices together. "Yeah, I mean, we had a funreal and everything." I said trying to sound as truthful as I could. "After a week?" She asked me and Lucas who was there also. "Well, see someother kid drowned at the quarry. We thought it was Will because the body was super decompose." Lucas said also trying to keep up with the lie we had all thought of to keep her safe. "What?" Max said still not beliving it and I was tired and annoyed becasue she kept pushing it and I guess Lucas could tell. "Its not a joke alright? Its public knowledge. You can ask anyone about beside Will becasue hes senstive about it and dont push it around Y/n Wills like a brother to her." Lucas said. "Okay and sorry Y/n." She said and I nodded in a way to acept.

"The case of Phinieas Gage is one of the great medical curiosities of all time. Phineas was a railroad worker in 1848 who had a nightmareis accident. A large iron rod was driven was driven completely through his head. Phineas miraculosly survived. He seemed fine and physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much that his friends started referring to his as 'no longer Gage'. At the time this was known as the American crowbar case. Although, it wasnt a-" Mr. Clark was talking to the class who was not paying attion besides for the three boys I was friends with and fro some reason Dustin wasnt there. If he was sick or something he would let us know but he didnt but that was before the teacher got cut off by someone running into the class room.

It was Dustin. Everyone had looked at the door was Dustin stumbled in the class. "Im so sorry, Mr. Clarke. Really, Im so sorry. Please continue, please. Thanks." Dustin said out of breath and sitting down in his seat. We all looked at him. Me, Mike, Lucas, Will and surprisingly Max did to. "We have to meet. Alll of us. At lunch, AV club." Dustin spoke "Why?" Mike asked.

"I have something that you wont believe."

Once everyone had turned back to the teacher Dustin look behind him and tried to whisper it to Max who was in the back of the class. "Dustin!" Mr. Clarke spoke loudly to get his attion. "Yes my lord?" Dustin spoke.

"Would you care to join the class now?"

"Please yes"

"The case of Phineas Gage."

"Phineas Gage."

"Page 104."

"104, 104." Dustin repated. When he had gotten to the page he turned back around to talk to Max about it. "Hes such a idoit." I whispered to Lucas. "He really is." He laughed back.

When it was time for lunch everyone gathered to the AV room. Dustin set his ghostbuster trap thing on the table in front of them. "You ready for this?" Dustin spoke as he smiled at everyone. After everyone nodded he pushed the door button for it to open and it did open. A little tailed creatuer was inside. "His name is d'Artagan."

"D'Artagnan?" Mike said. "Dart for short." Dustin said. "And he was in your trash?" Max said. "Forging for food. Wanna hold him?" Dustin asked "No No No oh my god his smily." Max said pasing him to me "Ew Oh my god." I said giving it to lucas and it went around untill Mike got it and he stared at it something was moving in it and he shined the light on it and his hissed and fell.

674 words

Athours note

Hi loves how have you been? I had my schools open house yesterday so that was fun and I found out that I have one class with my friend. I start school tommorow though. I love you guys bye have a good day or night love.

Love {Lucas sinclair x Y/n} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now