Will the wise {Only part}

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Y/n pov

Me and Lucas kept looking around for Will but we couldnt find him. "Hey Y/n come on lets go out side to get some air." Lucas said and i agreeded and then we saw Will. "We have to go back to tell the otheres." I said and we ran back. We got in the school and saw Joyce, Dustin, and Max. "The feild." Lucas said before running out. "Will. I just found him like this! I think hes having another episode!" Mike said yelling to Mrs. Byers. "Will! Will! Will! Sweeite, wake up! Its mom! Will! Will! Wake up! Can you hear me?" Mrs. Byers said trying to get him back. I looked over to Mike and saw him looking consered and Mike looked at me and gave me a the same look he gave Will then looked back at him. Lucas was hugging me making sure I was ok. Max was just staring and Dustin was holding Maxs hand.

Will woke up and Mrs. Byers walked out the school with him. "Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max said breaking the scilence. "Did that not freak you guys out?"
"Two episodes in two days." Lucas stated "Its getting worse." Me and Mike said at the same time. "You think its true sight?" Lucas asked. "Whats true sight?" Max asked "Its nothing." I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Dustin made it to school at the same time. "Hi Dusty." I said. "Hi N/n (Nick name). Where is everybody?" He said "No clue probly not here yet."
"Wait do you hear that?"
"Yea it sounds like them come on." I said grabbing his hand.

"What the hells going on?" I said letting go of Dustins hand. "What do you think? We are looking for Dart." Mike said. "Jesus!" Dustin said grabbing my hand pulling me back. "Oh!" Max said. "Ugh!" Mike said as Lucas climbed out the dumpseter. "What the hell Lucas. That almost hit your girlfriend." Dustin said pointing to me. "Im not his girlfriend." I said back. "Not yet." Mike said I rolled me eyes. Lucas went on to this short speach thing to Dustin then Max pointed out the obvius. "You stink." She said while walking over to Dustin. "Hi Max." Dustin said. "Hi?" She said back. "Y/n I need to talk to you. You three get to work and find him." Mike said. "How come-" Lucas was talking before Mike cut him off. "Its important!"

"How El. Look im sorry for asking this so much but how is she? I just want to know she is safe and youre the only one who knows. Lucas and Dustin say I should stop asking but I just want to know. I-I- I love her and I want to know shes safe." Mike said once we got far enough away. I stood there in shook. He said he loved her. I didnt know he knew how to do that. "Shes safe and I get that you want to know if you want to know eveyday I will tell you because your me bestfriend but Mike she gave me this. Its a note I didnt read it she just wanted me to give it to you now can we go back?" I said "Ok that you lets go." We went back and then we went to class.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Av RoOm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Will didnt want me to tell anyone but on Halloween night he saw a sort of shadow in the sky." Mike said. "A shadow?" Lucas asked. "He said not to tell anyone but hes telling us." I said to Dustin and he shrugged. They kept talking and I saw El I walked over there and talked to her.

"I thought-" I started. "I went after he left. You give him the note?" She asked. "Yea I did."
"Thank you i have to go bye." She left and I went back "What was that about?" Lucas said. "Bathroom." I said.

Mikes pov

I thought all day about that stupid note. I discided to open it. 'Mike its El' I read but it was in Y/n handwrighting. She must of told her what to wright. 'Im tell y/n what to wright. i miss you and im sorry i have to be gone. i will see you soon. el.' Short but sweet.  We were walking out of school and Lucas went after Max  to say something i dont know i want to be friends but i feel like i am betraying El so thats why ive been so rude.

769 words

Athours note

Hi loves. Im so sorry i have not posted in a while ive been busy with school and then i would forget to wright and now i found out my grandma is coming to vist tommorow and is going to be here for a week then im going to go vist her and some other family and its been a lot there is a lot of pressur from school and everything im so sorry. have a good day or night bye loves.

Love {Lucas sinclair x Y/n} Book 2Where stories live. Discover now