Trick or treat, Freak {Part 2}

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Y/n pov

I was laying down on my bed waiting for Max to show up or waiting for her to call. I heard a knock on the door so I looked through to see if it was Max. It wasnt. It was her brother. Billy. "What are you doing here?" I asked through the door I didnt know if I should open the door or not becasue I know the beef he has with my brother. "Is your brother home?" He asked. "No not right now I dont know where he is why?" I asked knowing that if I told him that he was at some party at someones house or something things wouldnt end good.

"Just wanted to talk to him now Max is in the car i'll go get her for you whats your name?" He said I could see him through the door thing and could see his angry expresion change to a soft one? "Y/n harringiton. Tell Max that I have to talk to her about somethings when she gets in her for me okay?" I asked to see if his expresion would change. It didnt. "Okay I will you guys have a good night Y/n." He walked to his car and got Max. She knocked on the door. "Hey okay lets go upstairs." I said "Billy said you wanted to talk about me?" She asked. "Oh yeah I just wanted him to go faster." She started laughing at what I had said.

"Okay lets go we have. 30 minutes lets go." I said while rushing up to my room. Unlike the boys im going at a zombie soccer player because I didnt want to be a ghostbuster. They tried to get me to do it but I didnt want to. Max was being Michel myers (I dont know how to spell his name.) We came up with a plan that I would meet up with them at 7 and she would show up and scare them about 10 minutes later.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TiMe SkIp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey guys." I said while jumping down from the curb. "Hey Y/n you look good I like it." Lucas said while smiling and making sure I wouldnt fall. "Look at Lucas being a good boyfriend." Mike said why was he happy? Did he talk to El some how? "Shut up before I knock you out and you wont be able to wake up till christmas next year okay?" I said back and Lucas and cheering me on and so was Will and Dustin just well. "Damn dude this is the what second time she has gotten you do better." We all started laughing besides Mike.

We started walking and then felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Max and I nodded and she well scared them. "Oh my god who screams like that you sounded like a little girl." She said laughing at him. I started laughing at him aswell.

We started walking and then I felt Lucas's hand grab mine and then I looked at him and smiled and contunied walking.

Lucas pov

I walked up to Y/n becasue she was infront of me and then grabbed her hand I mean we have held hands before but for somereason it was diffrent this time like if i wanted to I would grab the other one and pull her close and kiss her. But I didnt because well I dont know if she felt the same. "Another full-size. Like, seriously, rich people are suckers. Wait, you're not rich, right?" Dustin said then asked Max to see if she wouldve been offended by that. "No, I live up old cherry road." I kinda zoned them out at this point it was weird and annoying to be honest. "Stop. My ears are hurting." Max and Y/n said at the same time and looked at each other and laughed.

Will had left and so did Mike Y/n pulled me I know it was another eposide and then I couldnt understand what everyone was saying untill I hear Mike say. "Keep trick or treating. Im bored anyway. Y/n wanna go with me I know how much Will means to you." Y/n looked over to me and I nodded. I know how much Will means to her shes like his older sister and she cares about him a lot. We kept trick or treating but I was missing Y/n to be honest and with Dustin trying to flirt with Max I wanted someone to talk to I felt like I was thrid wheeling the whole time soon I just left and went to Y/n house and Steve awnsered he was beaten up and I saw Y/n with cleaning suplise.

"Hey Lucas come on in." He said while walking back to the table. 'Ill tell you in a minute' Y/n mouthed and I nodded. "Jezz Steve you need to start winning your fights." She said. "Shut up thats why-" Steve got cut off by her putting something on his cut making him hiss. "Okay okay I serender." He said and I laughed.

Y/n pov

After Mike me and Will left we all were sitting on the couch (I forgot if they were at Mikes or Wills.) Mike and Will started talking and I went to go get some chips I came back and Mike and Will were close to each other and Mike had his hand over Wills. I started laughing and Mike glarded at me. "Sorry just I dont know how to explain it in all honesty." I said while laughing and Mike and WIll started laughing to.

I had gotten a call from Steve to come home and clean up so I went home and found Steve bloody. "Jesus christ what happend." I said while getting suplise. "Billy happened." He said back. "How did he find you?" "I dont know all he said was 'Your sister is sweet shame you have to be such a dick. Tell her im sorry for how your gonna end up.' and started punching me." I sighed and started cleaning him up and then the door bell rang and it was Lucas and Steve let him in we all we laughing and then after I cleaned Steve up me and Lucas went upstairs and watched tv and ate candy and fell alseep.

1066 words

Athours note

I diceded that Billy would be some what sweet to Y/n so yeah because why the fuck not. anyway I have to go the next part will be up tommorow and dont worry I have something planed for Y/n and Lucas. Bye loves have a good day or night <3.

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