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Lime warning

As they already arrived at their hotel,they then went into their room that got 3 room."What the- Why is there only three room?! That's it i ain't gonna share my room with anyone."Jirou said straightly then walk into her choosen room."Me too!"Kaminari shouted then pick his room."But I'm not going to share my room with Bakubro... "Bakugou then rolled his eyes looking at the one room."Come on,thats the only choice or else you can sleep outside in the living room."Bakugou said."Fine..."Kirishima sighed. When they enter the room,Kirishima suddenly jump onto the bed. "Ahh... I'm so tired..."Bakugou look at Kirishima then say,"Oi, i don't wanna here all the dirty words again."Kirishima blushed hard as he heard how Bakugou didn't wanna heard it again."U-uhm... O-okay, i'll try..."Jirou suddenly opened the dpor asking,"Do you guys want anything cuz me and Kami are going out."They two looked at Jirou."I'll pass."Kirishima said."Chips."Bakugou suddenly said."We also going to arcade later so... Come to the arcade later at 9pm we will be there and i will send the location."Bakugou and Kirishima nodded."Bye!"Kirishima waved his hand to Jirou.

Minutes later the hotel room was still silent like really silent until Kirishima say something to Bakugou. "B-bakugou... I actually wanna tell you that... That.. ","That what?"Bakugou asked."Th-that i liked you for a very long time already!! I-i know you have just broke up with Midoriya but i just cant hide the feelings again! I-its fine if you don't like me back because i-im not f-forcing you..."Bakugou took a deep breathes then kiss him with a soft way. After Kirishima broke his kiss he then blushed but looking at other way. "I'm sorry for choosing that damn Deku over you K-kirishima... "Bakugou apologized suddenly make Kirishima more blush."Its fine... People can change their feelings too right..?"Bakugou nodded then lay on Kirishima for a quick kiss. "Will you be my boyfriend?"Bakugou ask with a really frustrated face. "Y-yes!!"Kirishima eyes full of tears then hug him."Why are you-","I just can't believe i finally d-date you..!"Kirishima burst into tears."Hey, hey... I don't wanna see you cry instead i want to see you happy."Bakugou said rubbing Kirishima's cheeck."You know what? You look so much cute if your smiling,so smile more cuz i wanna see that sweet little sunshine face."Bakugou giggle then look at Kirishima who was smiling. After they got to tell each other something about theirself that they already been hide from each other from a very long time ago Bakugou suddenly talk about Kirishima's wet dream."I wanna ask... It might gonna be weird but I'm not saying that im weird but im gonna say that your weird!"Kirishima then looked at Bakugou,"Im weird?! How can?"Bakugou sighed then told him that whenever Kirishima sleeps Bakugou would hear a moan coming out from Kirishima."O-ohh... That thing... Well i don't really know how i can stop those but if you wanna help me like figuring it out how... Uhm maybe you can... "Bakugou smirked looking at Kirishima,"Oh don't worry~ I'll help you~"He groans."Th-this is getting more a-awkward.. "Oh th-thank you... Well then... When will-","Later night."Kirishima gulped then nod meaning that was okay.

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