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You groaned awake as the sunshine peaked through your blinds. You covered your eyes with your pillow trying to hide from the light. Every morning, you regretted switching beds with your roommate as your bed was under the window. You always preferred the dark even knowing what lurked in the shadows. You felt a pair of small hands shake your arm. "Y/n wake up. It's meds and breakfast time." 

You removed the pillow and your eyes slowly fluttered open. You looked up at your roommate, Faye and growled at her. She knew how much you hated being woken up, but she also knew how much the nurses hated when we were late for breakfast. Faye was a petit girl, barely 5ft and hardly weighed more than 90lbs. She had pretty jet black hair that was always in a braid and sad hazel eyes that had specks of light green. 

You groaned one more time before removing the thin blanket off of your body and placing your feet to the floor. You raised up your arms stretching your upper body. The beds they provided at the facility were not comfortable and you always woke up with a stiff back. Faye stood by the door as she watched you get dressed in the basic black tank top and black sweatpants that is provided to every patient. She was somewhat jealous of your body. She always admired your curves while she sulked at her flat chest. 

You noticed her staring at you like usual and you wrapped your arm around her thin shoulders. "Come on, let's go before we get yelled at." She nodded her head with a soft smile as you walked out of your room. You knew she struggled with her weight. She had severe anorexia and almost killed herself a couple of times from starving herself for days. She tried to explain to her parents that it was on accident, but after the third accident they placed her here to be better monitored. 

You made your way to the cafeteria your arm still around her. Faye was pretty much your only friend at the facility. You would always get into fights with other patients but not Faye. She was so timid, and she brought out your sisterly instinct you never knew you had. Your protected her from the more perverted patients and whoever was mean to her. 

You were at the back of the line to pick up your morning meds. You thought the meds were pointless for your so-call Schizophrenia. That is what they had diagnosed you when you first came to the facility seven and a half years ago. You learned that it was easier to lie to them and take the medication than revolt against it. 

You saw there was a new nurse today handing out the medication. She was younger than most of the other nurses and doctors. She looked fresh out of school because she still had the positive gleam in her eyes thinking she is going to help people. "Here you go Faye and here you go Y/n." She said every so sweetly. Faye just nodded and headed towards the line for food. You accidentally gave her a pitiful look. You knew how rough this facility could be and that sweetness would go away or she would quickly quit. She looked at you quizzically but you hurried off to Faye before she could ask anything. 

This morning you had the option to pick oatmeal, or eggs with either a side of fruit or a piece of toast. Faye grabbed some eggs and fruit while you grabbed the oatmeal and fruit. You both grabbed a cup of water and walked to the back table next to a window overlooking the street. 

"So what do you feel like doing today? We could read. We could go for a nice walk around the garden or we could work on our paintings." You asked eating a spoonful of oatmeal. Faye was looking down playing with her eggs. "I would like to paint today." She said taking a small bite of her eggs. You smiled in response and continued eating. Faye was actually a really good artist and though you were mediocre, you enjoyed painting with her just to look at her progress. 

You both placed your trays on top of the bin and headed downstairs towards the rec room. They nicely separated different activities in this big room without closing off any space. One side was a reading corner with bookshelves filled to the brim with different types of novels. Another wall had shelves filled with random board games. The last side was the art corner. It had shelves filled with every art supply you can think of. It had everything from markers to acrylic paints. They had small, medium or big sized canvases and each patient had their own sketchbook they could use if they wanted to. The facility had a big budget because one of the patients was a son of a wealthy politician. For silence, the politician donates hefty. 

Faye grabbed her half finished painting and placed it on the easel. She was intensely staring at it before figuring out what colors she needed this time. You did not necessarily care where your painting was headed so you grabbed random colors and just let the brush move randomly. You were zoning out when a chill traveled down your spine. You could feel someone or something staring at you. You kept your eyes locked on your painting as pinched both of your thumbs and index fingers together by the side of each cheek, while keeping your remaining fingers straight out. As you pinched your fingers together, you took them from each side of your face outward. You were signing cat in ASL which brought out your special cat, Kage. 

Your grandmother was deaf and when your parents were teaching you ASL, your favorite sign was for cat. After turning 6 years old, whenever you would sign for cat Kage would appear. She resembled a caracal but her fur was pitch black, her tail was more of a shadow swaying through the light, and she had bright red eyes that reminded you of rubies. You quickly looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to you so you could pet Kage. She purred as you softly pet the top of her head. 

Another chill shot down your spin and Kage's purrs quickly turned into deep growls. She was exposing her sharp fangs. She could feel the presence that was lurking around. You had no idea what she really was but to you she was your guardian. She always protected you throughout your childhood even though she was half the reason why you were in the facility. 

You saw a shadow flash across the window through your peripheral vision. Your head shot quickly to the window and your blood ran cold as you saw a sort of veil fall down turning the bright sunshine, into pure darkness. You were about to ask Faye if she could see it but before you could form a word, a bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the hallway. 

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