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Author's Note

Sorry for not updating for awhile and I also wanted to dedicate this chapter to Shinyzeraora1! 


You flopped down on the grass, panting profusely. You were sweating your tits off and you could tell your face was beet red. They had you run laps, do every exercise you can think of, and some sparring. You were not athletic whatsoever so even this beginner level stuff felt intermediate to you. Even though your body felt like you were dying, you were happy with how much you did accomplish and were excited to train even more. You were even able to land a hit on Maki, Nobara did distract her but still counts. 

Megumi sat down next to you and held out a bottle of water. You sat up and grabbed the water. "Thank you." You said in-between your panting that was slowly dying down. You chugged the water bottle like you have been lost in the desert. 

Megumi gave you a small grin at how you downed that water in one gulp. "You did good for your first day." Megumi's small compliment gave you butterflies in the pit of your stomach. You just held back your huge smile and was thankful your face was already red or everybody would have noticed you blushing. 

Everybody else joined you, sitting in a circle on the grass. "Y/n, you were great! And with a couple more training sessions and you will be a badass sorcerer." Maki said with a kind smile as she wrapped her arms around Nobara's waist. 

"Yeah, Y/n! You even hit Maki, very impressive!" Yuji said, placing his hand on your shoulder. You were starting to get overwhelmed by their compliments, and just stayed silent. 

Maki rolled her eyes. "She's good, but she only was able to hit me because this bitch distracted me!" Maki started tickling Nobara and she started squirming in her lap, laughing hysterically. 

"Babe, distractions happen all the time. You gotta be more on guard." Nobara stated through her laughter. Maki just rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face. "I think we should go out and celebrate! It is a milestone and we both cute ass dresses that we need to show off." Nobara winked at you and you couldn't help but giggle. Megumi stared at his shoes as he remembered that dress and how it showed off your hourglass figure. Megumi unconsciously licked his lips at how delectable you looked in it. 

 "I am fucking down! It's been awhile since we all went out and I have been practicing some new dance moves." Yuji smile shined brightly as he started doing that weird water sprinkler dance move that had all of you laughing. "Megumi even looks excited to go out." Yuji's smile instantly turned into a smirk and Megumi just glared at him. You sat there awkwardly in the middle of this weird tension. 

"Shake!" Toge said while giving the hang loose hand motion. 

"You know Panda is always down." Panda gave a wink and a thumbs up. You could have sworn you say his eyes were twinkling like in mangas. 

"Perfect! Everybody meet at Megumi's around 9 and we can all leave together!" Nobara said excitedly while Megumi shifted his glare towards her. "But Maki and I will be there earlier to help Y/n get ready!"

"Aww that would be amazing! I have dreamed about doing makeup with friends, helping pick outfits for each other, and doing each other's hair and nails." You trailed off as a tinge of pain hit your heart. You watched movies were friends would get all pretty together and talk about boys. No matter how positive and happy you try to be, your past and missed experiences keeps leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. 

Nobara checked her nails and smiled at you. "You my nails look like shit. We should go get our nails done first! There is this bomb nail salon near my house, we will pick you up after we freshen up." She sniffed herself and made a gross face that had you giggling. 

"And we have to get some boba too! It's right next door to the salon." Maki added, smiling. You looked at Megumi, kind of like you were waiting for his approval. You were so used to someone having to allow you to do anything and since you were now staying with Megumi who is like your keeper, you strangely needed his permission. 

Megumi gave you a small grin to hide his real sadness. He had a feeling why you were looking at him and he didn't want that power. He wanted you to do what you wanted to do. He didn't want you to need to give you permission to enjoy things you have never had the chance to do. He was going to talk to you privately about it, but for now he hoped his small grin was a good enough response for you. 

Everybody said their goodbyes and left. You stared out the car window, feeling overstimulated by all this happiness. You were appreciating the silence when Megumi spoke up softly. "Y/n?"

"Yes?" You shifted your gaze toward Megumi who kept his eyes on the road. 

"" He was hesitating with how to state this without sounding harsh or rude. He took a deep breath and gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Y/n with everything that you have been through, I want to you to be happy. I want you to do whatever you want to do. You don't ever need my permission to do anything. You are free now to live your life. I am here to help you do that, not control you." 

You swallowed back some tears. "I know... I am still adjusting, you know?" You sighed happily. "I was stuck, only able to do what others allowed me to do. Freedom is strange." 

Megumi gave you a slide glance, his expression softening. "It definitely will take some time to adjust, but I just wanted to tell you and put it in your head that you don't ever need to ask me if you can hang out with our friends. Or ask me if you can get food. Or ask me if you can go shopping. The only thing I ask is if you tell me so I don't worry about you." 

Your eyes widened at two things in particular. The first was him stating our friends. You were over the moon that they were already considered your friends. The second was the idea that Megumi would worry about you. He cared about you and you couldn't deny you care about him too. The rest of the car ride was silent but it was an understanding silence that gave both of you so much comfort. 

Your birthday wishes were finally coming true. 

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