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Megumi suggested both of you should walk to the café since it was super close to his apartment. Also he just hated trying to find a parking spot. You enjoyed the walk, you loved the feeling of the sun's warmth on your skin. You had walked the small garden around the facility but the sun felt more powerful in the outside world. 

Megumi kept giving you side glances as you both walked. He could not put his finger on it, but he loved how you looked in his clothes.  Even though his clothes were a little baggy on you, he could still see the outline of your curvy figure. 

"Hey you are late!" A woman's voice yelled snapping Megumi out of his thoughts. He looked forward and saw Nobara and Yuji waiting outside the café. You gave Nobara an apologetic smile but said nothing. Megumi just rolled his eyes and held the door open for everybody. The hostess lead all of you to a corner booth next to the window. You scooted in first and Megumi sat next to you. Nobara sat in front of you with Yuji next to her. The waitress gave you the menus and took your order for drinks. 

"Oh I almost forgot!" Nobara said as she opened up her backpack. "Here are a pair of my old vans and some socks." She handed you the shoes and socks. They were the classic old skool pair of vans. "Of course we will definitely get you more shoes. You got to have variety." She said flipping her sassily. 

"Thank you!" You said as you slipped off your slippers and quickly put on the socks and your new shoes. "But I only need these." 

"OH Y/n, so sweet and humble but I got the boss' credit card! We are going to max this shit out." She had determination in her eyes and it made you giggle. The waitress came back with our drinks. Yuji got orange juice, Nobara got a matcha latte, and Megumi got a black coffee. You kept it simple and just got water. You were appreciative of what they wanted to do for you, but you still had guilt lingering in your stomach. You and Faye always talked about what would be the first thing you would eat or drink when you were able to leave the facility. 

The waitress took your food orders and hurried off again. You zoned out watching how all three of them talk. Megumi mostly grunted and rolled his eyes as his response to anything the other two said. Nobara and Yuji were so animated when they talked and you hoped one day to be as animated as them. You kept thinking how cute Nobara and Yuji were and wondered if they were together. How they talked to each other and were playful together, it reminded you of couples you read in some novels at the facility. 

"Um sorry but I was wondering if you and Yuji are together?" You asked quietly and Megumi spit out his coffee, coughing and laughing. Yuji made a disgusted face sticking his tongue out and Nobara punched him in the arm. "You would be so lucky Yuji! But no I actually have a girlfriend, her name is Maki. She had to work, but you will get to meet her soon!" You nodded your head and looked down at your water too embarrassed to ask another question. Your food came and Yuji kept talking with food stuffed in his mouth. You zoned out again looking out the window as you took small bites of your food. 

You felt a strong hand touch your shoulder, and you snapped out of your daydream. "Y/n you ready to go?" Megumi asked looking a bit concerned. He noticed how little you ate and he hoped you did not feel too bad asking that hilarious question. You nodded your head and scooted out of the booth. Nobara and Yuji were already outside, you and Megumi following right behind them. "Time to shop till we drop! To the Nobarabile!" Nobara shouted pointing towards her Jeep. 

"Lame." Megumi mumbled as he followed behind Nobara. Nobara flipped Megumi off, "It's a cool fucking name." Yuji and you walked behind them. You were looking at your feet when you felt Yuji wrap his arm around your shoulder. "I understand what you are feeling." You looked up at him confused but intrigued. "I know you are feeling guilty for surviving. I know deep down you feel like you shouldn't be enjoying your new life. But the one thing I have learned, there is no point of feeling guilty. There is no specific reason why some survive and others don't, but don't take anything for granted and allow yourself to be happy." A small tear ran down your cheek as you looked up to Yuji who had a goofy smile on his face. You smiled back at him and wrapped your arm around his waist giving him a side hug. "Thank you Yuji." 

Megumi glanced behind him and a hint of jealous was rising inside of him. Yuji was just being himself, but the way you hugged him made him want to punch Yuji. He gently shook his head as he opened the car door for you. You smiled and hopped into the Jeep with Megumi following in behind you. Yuji took the front seat with Nobara. Nobara started blasting music while she took off to the mall. 

Nobara parked her Jeep on the second level of the parking lot and all of you got out. Your mouth dropped as you saw the three story mall. You were actually excited and getting giddy at all the stores you would get to explore. Nobara hooked her arm around yours and gave you a giant, beaming smile. "Let's fucking go!" 

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