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Nobara was driving you and Maki back to Megumi's place after getting your nails done. Nobara asked if she could pick out what you should get. You instantly said yes because you were just going to grab black nail polish and call it a day. You didn't want to be picky but giving the reins to Nobara would ease your anxiety. Of course, she has such amazing taste and you were feeling like a bad bitch in the back seat with your nails. 

She picked simple black nail polish for your toes with cute blue flowers on your big toe. For your nails, she said you had to get acrylics and you weren't going to argue with her. She had told the lady to give you small coffin shaped nails with matte black nails but the middle finger was painted a pretty blue sparkly color. She said you have to have the middle finger sparkly so you can flip people off with style. 

Nobara pulled into the guest parking lot of Megumi's apartment complex and you helped Maki carry up two huge suitcases. You asked Maki what was in it but she just rolled her eyes and mumbled something along the lines of too much crap. Nobara just opened the front door like she lived there and both of you followed behind her. 

"Damn, put on a shirt!" Nobara yelled with her hand on her hip. 

You peaked behind Nobara and saw Megumi standing in the doorway of the bathroom, only wearing a towel that is wrapped around his waist. He was drying his hair with another towel and you were drooling. Drops of water trailed down his broad chest then down his abs and finally down his v, disappearing into the towel. Your pulse was racing, and a new feeling formed between your thighs. This foreign ache you were feeling had you imagining the towel dropping which made the aching even worse. 

"Fuck off, you barged into my place." Megumi grumbled as he headed towards his room. "Next time knock!" 

"Actually, it is Y/n and your place so you can't be walking around half naked!" Nobara yelled back as she grabbed three beers from the fridge. 

"I don't think Y/n minds." Maki whispered, teasingly and your cheeks started to burn, knowing you got caught staring. You couldn't respond so you ignored Maki's comment and the three of you walked to your room. 

Maki placed the suitcases on your bed as Nobara passed you a beer. You took a small sip and gagged. Beer tasted gross and bitter. You guessed you were not a beer person or this one was just really bad. Nobara and Maki laughed at your reaction. 

"Not a beer person, huh?" Maki asked rhetorically as she sipped her beer. 

"Don't worry about that. Most people don't like beer. I am more of a fruity cocktail lady myself." Nobara unzipped the suitcase and pulled out a variety of shoes, her new dress, and a couple of other pieces of clothing. She unzipped the other suitcase and pulled out so much makeup like she robbed everything from Sephora, a curling iron, hair straightener, and a bunch of other random things you couldn't see. 

Maki laughed hysterically and wiped away invisible tears. "Lies. You will literally drink anything in front of you." 

Nobara rolled her eyes and held up the curling iron. "Okkkkay. Y/n, are you ready?" 


You could hear the boys were all hanging out in the living room waiting for Nobara and you. Maki was the first to finish. She wore faux leather leggings, white bralette, black blazer that rested on her hips, and combat boots. She wore a black collar, small silver hoops, and kept her hair up in a high ponytail. She looked like the definition of femme fatal. Nobara was multitasking like a master, doing your hair and makeup while doing her own hair and makeup. 

Nobara curled your hair and styled half your hair up into pigtails. She did a smoky wing eyeliner makeup on you with a dark red lipstick. She gave you a silver choker with a crescent moon pendant and matching silver hoop earrings with dangle crescent moon. You slipped on your blue satin dress and was grabbing your combat boots when Nobara smacked your hand. 

"Any other night, I would say yes to combat boots but I found the perfect pair of shoes for that dress." Nobara handed you adorable black strappy heels. You looked at them a bit worried since you have never walked in heels. Nobara saw your worried expression and continued on. "Don't worry, the heels are short and thick so they are more comfortable and easier to walk in." 

You trusted Nobara and quickly put on the heels. Nobara was right again, it was perfect and completed your outfit. You kept staring at the mirror, not recognizing the girl you saw. Nobara finally got dressed in a maroon corset bodice dress with thigh high black boots and a collar that matched Maki's. They looked like a power couple and for some reason you were jealous of them. You pushed away that feeling and focused on the fun night ahead of you. 

You followed behind them as they walked to the living room. Megumi was leaning against the kitchen island, while Yuji, Toge and Panda were sitting on the couch. Your eyes immediately went to Megumi and heat rushed through your body. He wore a short sleeve button down shirt that clung to his muscular arms and it was the same color blue as your dress. He paired the shirt with black straight jeans and black combat boots. He met your gaze and smirked at you. Your body was on fire as you watched his eyes explore every inch of you. He bit his lip and your knees were getting weak. 

"Let's go already! I look too fucking good to keep standing here." Nobara said as she flipped her hair back. 

"If you didn't take so long, we would have been at the club already!" Yuji retorted and everybody mumbled in agreement. 

Nobara stuck out her tongue. "You can't rush perfection." 

All of you piled in the Uber and your heart was stammering with nerves as you got closer to the club.  

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