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You stared up at the building that you grew up in but never thought of as a home. You had longed to be outside the walls but not like this. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you tried to focus in on the group's conversation. 

"Gojo is not answering his phone, so I sent him a text." Megumi said while giving you side glances. He really needed Gojo to respond to him. He needed help on what to do with you. 

"Ugh, he is probably out shopping again!" Nobara says kicking a rock towards the building. Nobara knew in the pit of her stomach, Gojo was out shopping for desserts or messing around with some desperate chick. 

"Well while we wait for Gojo, why can't we go get food? I'm still hungry." Yuji whined while holding his stomach. He was not really hungry but he was hoping to annoy Nobara and hoped that getting food would be a good distracting for you. 

Nobara punched Yuji in the arm and you couldn't help but let out a small giggle at their interaction. "It's not always about you and your damn bottomless pit of a stomach!" 

Yuji rubbed his arm and pouted at Nobara, "Ouch that hurt!" Nobara just rolled her eyes and glared at Yuji. 

You took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Um I am sorry to interrupt but who is Gojo and why do we have to wait for him?" You asked softly, your mind was trying to process the events but also wanted to know what was going to happen now. They all looked at you and felt bad that they were ignoring the person they were trying to help. 

"Gojo is our teacher and can help us figure out the best place to keep you safe." Megumi said gently, not breaking eye contact with you. His head kept replaying the scene of finding you and it was driving him insane. Every fiber in his body was screaming that he needed to help you. 

You nodded lightly and kept shifting your gaze between the three of them. "Um I do have more questions, but for now can I at least now who you guys are?" 

Nobara smacked the back of Megumi's head. "You didn't tell her who we are! You are acting worse than dunce face!" She pointed her thumb at Yuji. "Sorry for my rude friend. My name is Nobara Kugisaki, grumpy face is Megumi Fushiguro and dumb dumb is Yuji Itadori." 

A tiny smile crept on your face at Nobara's introductions. "My name is Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you, I guess." An awkward chuckle escaped your lips. 

"Crap." Megumi mumbled to himself. Gojo finally texted him back but he definitely did not expect him to say this. "Gojo responded and he said for now to take Y/n back to my place and he will figure out what to do next tomorrow." 

"Oooo I guess the loner is gonna have some company for a bit." Nobara teased Megumi. This might be good for both you and Megumi. Megumi needed to interact more with people and you needed someone who had more time to be there for you. 

"Okay." He sighed but deep inside he was actually happy that you were going to stay with him. He would never admit that to anybody, hell he could barely admit that to himself. "He also said that a clean up crew will be here shortly, so we can just head home and regroup tomorrow." 

"Let's go Nobara!" Yuji said excitedly pointing towards Nobara's car which was a blacked out Jeep Wrangler. Nobara rolled her eyes and headed towards the car not waiting for Yuji. "See you both tomorrow!" You gave both of them a small wave goodbye and turned your attention towards Megumi who stood their awkwardly. 

"I am sorry since I did not expect to have company but I rode on my bike." He grabbed his helmet and placed it on your head. He secured the strap under your chin, making sure the helmet was on perfectly. "I won't go crazy fast, okay?" You gave him a reassuring smile and gentle nod. You couldn't help but smile at him. He saved your life, and he was sweet putting the helmet on for you. Your mind was still trembling but at least these small gestures were calming you a bit down. 

He hopped on his bike and you quickly followed sitting behind him. You wrapped your arms around his waist when he started the bike. The roar startled you a bit and you squeezed his waist as a reaction. He jolted a bit by your squeeze but relaxed into it. He knew what the circumstances were on how you met, but he couldn't help how much he liked you holding onto him. He rode quickly but smoothly to his apartment. He wanted to get there quickly so you would be farther away from that hellhole. 

He unlocked the front door of his apartment and held the door open for you. You walked in and took in the new scenery. He had a very minimalist apartment. A simple dark grey couch, a black coffee table, and a tv hanging on the wall across from the couch. You peered into the kitchen and saw how clean it was. It almost looked like he doesn't even use it from the lack of dishes, cups, or even random snacks on the counter. 

"The guest room is down the left hallway and the bathroom is the first door in the middle between the hallway to my room and the guest room." You nodded your head in understand. "I know you weren't able to grab some clothes, but I can give you a t-shirt and some joggers for now and we can go shopping tomorrow." 

"Thank you." You said quietly as you made your way to the bathroom. "I would like to take a shower and probably sleep." 

"Of course, go ahead and I will place the clothes for you in the guest room." Megumi headed to his room while you walked into the bathroom. You turned on the shower, turning the knobs to make sure the water was hot. You could feel your day melt away as the water hit your body. You grabbed his body wash and took a deep breath inhaling the scent. His body wash smelled like lavender and bergamot with a hint of coriander and patchouli. You were so used to the cheap body wash that was supposed to smell like an ocean breeze. You were now addicted to this smell and never wanted to use any other body wash.

You turned off the water and looked down at your body. Your skin was slightly red from the hot water. You opened a cupboard above the toilet and found a fresh, clean towel. You quickly dried off your body and lightly towel dried your hair. You wrapped the towel around your body and practically ran to the guest room not wanting Megumi to see you like this. 

You almost made it when all of a sudden you slammed into what felt like a wall. You fell to the floor, your towel somewhat undone. "I am so sorry Y/n! I was just bring you a spare toothbrush and hairbrush." Megumi covered his eyes and you could see a small blush spread across his cheeks. "I didn't see anything!" 

You couldn't help but start to giggle. After everything that happened, you are more embarrassed by almost being caught nude. Megumi blushed even more enjoying how cute your giggles were. "It's okay Megumi. Thank you for everything." You got up and closed the door behind Megumi softly. Megumi smacked his forehead, really pissed at his actions. He should have been more careful.  

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