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You had woken up to the sound of a man's voice yelling. You did not recognize the voice and started to feel nervous. You quietly put on your joggers, and placed your ear to your door hoping to hear more. You were really hoping to hear Megumi so you know it's isn't a random man breaking into his apartment. You took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. 

"All of you spent $3,000 on shopping today! That's fucking insane! How did you fuckers get my credit card?" The man's voice asked with annoyance in his tone. 

Megumi shrugged his shoulders. "I just carried the bags. You got to yell at Nobara about your card." You let out a sigh, happy to hear Megumi's voice. You slowly walked down the hallway towards the living room. Megumi spotted you and gave you a small grin. "Oh Y/n, did we wake you up?" 

You nodded your head and took in the man Megumi was talking to. He was a bit taller than Megumi, with snow white hair that reached down to the base of his neck. He was wearing black, circular sunglasses, a light blue, long sleeve button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and a pair of black slacks. The button down clung to his muscular arms and you couldn't stop looking. Another hit of jealousy washed over Megumi as he watched you stare at Gojo. 

Gojo smirked as he noticed you checking him out. He held out his hand to you. "Oh you are Y/n. Well my name is Satoru Gojo, but you can call me Gojo." You accepted his hand, and he placed a soft kiss on your hand. Your cheeks turned bright pink by Gojo's gesture and you quickly let go of his hand. 

"She's cute Megumi." He said as if you were not in the room. "Have you explained anything to her yet?" Megumi shook his head no and looked down. He wanted you to have a good, easy day before you would get lost in confusion. 

"Shame...shame Gumi." Gojo wagged his index finger at Megumi. "Come sit down on the couch with me Y/n. I know we have some explaining to do." You nodded your head and sat down on the couch. Gojo sat next to you while Megumi stood to the side leaning against the wall. 

"Now before I get into details, I have some questions of my own first." Gojo said while crossing his right leg over his left. You nodded your head, waiting for what he wanted to know. "Megumi heard you talk about this Kage when you saw his Divine Dogs. Who is Kage?" 

"Kage is my cat that only I can see. She usually appears when I sign cat in ASL. She appeared after I turned six. I would summon her whenever I saw weird little creatures in my room and she would kill them like a cat killing a mouse. She protected me that day and was able to rip the creatures arm off but then she got hit and disappeared." 

"Could you try summoning her for me?" Gojo asked with a gleam of excitement in his eyes which you couldn't see. You nodded and pinched both of your thumbs and index fingers together by the side of each cheek, while keeping your remaining fingers straight out. As you pinched your fingers together, you took them from each side of your face outward. Kage appeared next to your legs and rubbed her face on you. "Kage you're okay." You whispered holding back some tears as you pet her head. 

"I can see why you named her Kage." Gojo said admiring your shikigami. 

"You can see her?" You asked as your eyes widen in surprise. Gojo started laughing loudly when he saw the look on your face. "Yeah, we both can see her silly." You looked over at Megumi who just nodded his head in agreement. You looked back at Gojo, hoping he would explain more. 

"Kage is what we call a shikigami. Shikigami are familiars conjured and controlled by jujutsu users like you and Megumi. Sorcerers who summon shikigami to aid them in battle are known as Shikigami Users." Gojo nodded at Megumi signaling him to demonstrate. Megumi clasped his hands together to form a shadow puppet of a dog's head and appeared the two dogs you saw before. "See?" Gojo asked smiling as the Divine Dogs sniffed Kage. Kage growled at them and jumped on the couch to lay next to you. You pet Kage's head as the Divine Dogs walked back to Megumi to sit by his side. 

"Okay. I somewhat understand. Now what is jujutsu and what exactly are sorcerers?" 

"Jujutsu refers to all skills and forms of sorcery that sorcerers and cursed spirits can access through the manipulation of their own cursed energy. A person capable of utilizing jujutsu are called sorcerers." 

"What do you mean cursed energy?" 

"Cursed energy is a power source aligned with negative emotions. Now those weird creatures you see are curses which are apparitions manifested entirely from cursed energy. Even their bodies are composed of cursed energy, making cursed spirits invisible to non-sorcerers which is why we can see it and not others." Gojo gave you a big smile that has made many woman's heart melt. "Usually when we find someone who has miner jujutsu, we send them to our school to train to become a great sorcerer. However things were different for you but you do understand, right?" 

You nodded your head as tears streamed down your face. Flashbacks of your childhood played over and over in your head. Your parents thought it was just a kids imagination at first, but when accidents started happening at school they looked at you like a psychopath. You tried to explain but they would just call you crazy. They would lock you in your room because they were starting to become afraid of you. They constantly told you how much of a curse you were, and now hearing this I guess they weren't fully wrong. Instead of being locked away, you could have gone to that school. You could have been educated instead treated like a maniac. 

Gojo scooted away from you on the couch, unable to handle someone crying. He patted your back sloppily, trying his best to calm you down. He looked at Megumi and nodded his head towards me. He needed Megumi's help with your uncontrollable sobs. Megumi felt just as uncomfortable but for different reasons. Your crying broke his heart, and it made him worried how attach he was getting to you. 

He pulled Gojo off the couch and sat in his spot. He grabbed you gently and placed you on his lap his arms wrapping around you. You cried into his chest as he softly stroked your hair. "It's okay Y/n. I can't erase the past, but I can help you have a better future. I promise." You could hear his heart pounding and just concentrated on his heart beats. You the tears stopped flowing, but your throat was horse and your face was red and puffy. You buried your head deeper into his chest and whispered. "I believe you." When you finally calmed down, you lifted your head to look at Megumi. He smiled down at you and moved a strand of your hair from your face behind your ear. 

"Better?" He asked not wanting to let go of you. You nodded your head and smiled back at him. 

"Glad you're better. I texted everybody to meet at the gym to start training Y/n." Gojo said not looking up from his phone. 

You trusted what Megumi had said, but you also knew that you needed to be stronger as well. Today was going to be the last day you let the past haunt you. You were going to be a jujutsu sorcerer. 

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