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Megumi walked into his apartment, kicking off his running shoes. He strolled to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water. He really pushed himself today training. His constant need to become better and stronger might be the end of him. He finished his water when he heard his phone chime. It was a text from his group chat.

Sensei Douche 

My little babies! Get dressed and head to Kaizen Behavioral Health Hospital NOW


On my way 

Pink Oaf

Can I get breakfast first? Im hungryyyy


Its too fucking early for this shit

Sensei Douche

No complaining! Hurry up!

Megumi rolled his eyes at his friends' responses. He quickly changed into black jeans, a black t-shirt, and his black combat boots. As he rushed out the door onto his motorcycle, he checked how far he was from the hospital. Luckily, he was only 15 minutes away but on his bike he knew he could get there in 9 minutes. The closer he rode to the hospital, the more the shining light of the sun became dull. A knot started to form in his stomach, worried about what they were about to face. He parked his bike and saw Yuji and Nobara were already there waiting for him. His eyes widen as he could sense the overflowing power of the curses inside the hospital. 

Nobara saw his expression and spoke up. "This is not going to be easy, huh?" She cracked her neck and had a wicked grin on her face. "Let's fucking do this." 


Your heart was pounding in your chest as you held onto Faye's wrist tightly. Words could not describe the horror you were facing. The terrifying screams mixed with the sound of flesh being torn, and it seemed only you were able to see what was causing it. 

"What's happening?" Faye asked in a whisper that you could barely hear over the sound of your heart racing. You could not answer her, you were too busy trying to stay focus and head to your room. You could see from the corner of your eye, disgusting, disfigured creatures attacking that sweet nurse from early. She held her hand out, wishing you would grab it and help her. The look of horror in her eyes will be engraved in your mind. Her action caused one of the creatures to direct his focus to both of you. The creature stomped on her head as it turned to fully face you. 

It had four legs covered in eyes, two arms with tiny fingers trailing on each side like a centipede and it had a mouth where it's hands should be. It had two heads, one eye on each head. Lastly, it had a giant mouth in the middle of it's body. The creature was covered in blood and had such a hungry look in it's eyes. "Play with me." It screeched which caused your stomach to churn. You would not let this creature catch up to you. You ran faster and harder than you had ever ran before. Faye, somehow by the grace of the universe, was able to keep up with your speed.

You and Faye finally made it to your room. You sat her down in the corner. She was shaking and unable to speak. She was so confused what was happening. She could not see anything but the blood and body parts of the people she grew to know. She had a feeling you could see them from the stories you used to tell her. You pushed her bed to barricade the door and then quickly pushed your bed in front of hers. For once in your life, you prayed that this will hold it back. Tears were violently coming down Faye's face as she continued to shake in the corner of the room. You ran towards her and wrapped your arms around her. "I will protect us." She wanted to respond, she wanted to believe in you, but everything felt like this was the end of both of you.  

"Play with me." It screeched again right outside your door. You squeezed Faye even tighter, scared this would really be your last breath. You heard a deep, and powerful growl and saw Kage in an attack stance facing the door. The creature slowly made it's way passing through the wall. "No... No... No..." You mumbled, starting to shake along with Faye. Kage took off, latching her fangs on the creature's arm. Kage was able to rip off one of the creature's arm, causing the creature to let out a earsplitting scream. The creature used his other arm to hit Kage causing her to slam against the wall. Without thinking, you ran towards Kage holding her body. "Are you okay?" You whispered so quietly a mouse could not have heard you. All of a sudden, Kage disappeared and then Faye screamed. 

"Y/N! SAVE ME!" Faye screamed as the creature grabbed her. The creature placed her feet into it's mouth and Faye let out another piercing scream. "Let go of her!" You yelled at the creature as you grabbed a hold of your only real friend's arms. "HELP ME Y/N!" You tried pulling her out of it's mouth but you heard a loud crunch following another horrific scream coming from Faye. You pulled as hard as you could and you went flying back holding onto the upper half of what's left of your friend. You held your friend tightly and screamed as loud as you can, "PLEASE HELP US!" You closed your eyes firmly and held onto your friend securely. If today was the day you were going to die, you accepted dying with your friend by your side. 'Happy Birthday to me.'  You thought as held Faye tighter and tighter. You heard a loud boom followed by howls. You kept your eyes closed not wanting to risk looking. You heard the creature shriek, along with biting and tearing. 

"Fuck." You heard a deep, yet calm voice say. You slowly opened your eyes to see a fair skinned tall, athletic built man standing in front of you. He had black, spiky hair and green eyes that reminded you of a boomslang snake. He had two dogs standing beside him. One dog was white while the other was black, and both had three dots on their forehead of the opposite color. The weird dogs reminded you of your Kage. "Are you okay?" He felt sick to his stomach. He has seen a lot in his life as a sorcerer but for some reason seeing you covered in blood holding half of what he assumed was your friend made him feel ashamed and disgusted. Seeing this made him wish that he came sooner. He could have stopped this if only he were here earlier. 

You looked around your room before gathering the strength to speak, "Where is the creature?" 

He looked at you baffled. He was so confused how you were able to see that cursed spirit. "My Divine Dogs killed it." He purposely said that as a test to make sure not to jump to any conclusions.  You pointed at the dogs sitting beside them, "They killed it? Your dogs are more powerful than my Kage." You whispered hoping that wherever your cat was happens to be a better place. He was almost at a lost for words. It had been awhile since he had met another sorcerer. He almost felt a tinge of sadness for you, seeing that your ability to see curses is probably why you were here to begin with. You both stared at each other in silence not knowing what to say or do. Lost in a trance, you both were searching for answers in each other's eyes. 

Megumi finally snapped out of it and held out his hand. "Come on. I will take you somewhere safe." You looked at his hand and looked back down at your dead friend. You hugged her once more, and grabbed his hand. He continued to hold your hand as he searched for his friends. He could feel your hands shaking in his and he looked at you with sadness leering in his eyes. Both of your heads snapped to the right when a girl started yelling. "This way." He said softly, following the yelling of his friend Nobara. 

You walked a bit more down the hallway until he stopped in front of what you guessed were his friends. You saw a girl around your height with ginger colored hair, and orange eyes that were filled with annoyance. She slammed her fist on top of the head of the guy standing next to her. He was as tall as the guy holding your hand, but just seeing him you could tell he was the complete opposite of the guy next to you. He had a dorky look on his face as he rubbed the top of his head. He had soft pink hair on the top of his head but his undercut was black. He had light brown eyes that almost reminded you of Faye's. 

"Yo! Stop messing around." Megumi said sternly. Nobara was about to yell at Megumi until she saw you holding Megumi's hand. "We need to contact Gojo and tell him we have one survivor who also might be a sorcerer. " Megumi whispered the last part to his friends, not wanting to freak you out even more than this event already had. Nobara just nodded still processing how Megumi was allowing a stranger to touch him and what a sorcerer might be doing at a place like this. 

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