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After your talk with Gojo and Megumi, your heart was broken at the harsh circumstances you had endure because of your non-sorcerer parents, but your mind was determined to train and become what you were destined to be, a sorcerer. You slept like a rock that night. No dreams, no nightmares, just pure darkness that you found comfortable. 

You were woken from your slumber by soft knocks at your door. "Y/n, wake up. Get dressed, it's time to start your training." Megumi said through your door. You sat up and stretched your arms. "Be out in a minute!" You yelled as you jumped out of bed. You were mentally ready, but you looked down at your body and a questionable look was plastered on your face. You did not know how physically ready you were. You were on the chubby side and rarely did physical activity except for small walks. 

You put on a pair of black leggings, your sports bra, and a dark blue tank top. You ran out of your room to the living room and saw Megumi cooking breakfast in the kitchen. "I'm ready!" You yelled, bursting with energy. Megumi turned around to hand you a plate of food and a glass of water. He was about to say something, but his voice got caught in his throat as he stared at you in your tank top. He tried to stop his eyes from trailing to your chest. The way you bounced in that tank top made Megumi's heart jump. "Is that for me?" You asked pointing at the plate and glass in his hands. Megumi swallowed the saliva that was building up in his mouth from staring, and smiled at you his eyes finally moving up to your face. "Yes eat up before we go." 

"Thank you!" You grabbed it from his hands and started eating. You scarfed down your food, barely taking a second to breath. You were just so excited, you wanted to hurry up and finish your food. "Done!" You said with some food still in your mouth. 

Megumi let out a small chuckle at how overjoyed you were to start your training. "That was fast. Put on your shoes and let's go." He said grabbing your plate and rinsing it in the sink. You were lacing up your sneakers and looked up to see Megumi grabbing his keys. "Aren't you going to eat?" Another small chuckle escaping from him, "I already ate. Been up for awhile." 

You nodded your head with a smile on your face. You stood up and both of you walked out of the apartment. Megumi quickly locked the door and you trailed behind him as you both made your way to the garage. Megumi stopped next to his car and your mouth dropped. It was a sleek all black 2018 Nissan GT-R Nismo. "This is your car?" You asked as you slide into the passenger seat. 

"Yeah it has been a dream car of mine and I finally said fuck it and bought it." Megumi said as he pealed out of the parking garage. 'This car definitely suits him' you thought as your eyes explored the inside. The interior was just as nice as the exterior. It was all black with a big touchscreen that you wanted to play with. Megumi sped to the gym, weaving in and out of traffic with such ease. You were happy sitting there in silence looking out your window, watching the world pass by as he zoomed. 

Megumi would randomly give you side glances as he drove. He appreciated that he could sit in silence with you with no hint of awkwardness. He hated when he had to force himself to talk to fill the emptiness while being with someone. He was not a talkative guy, and adored you for being comfortable with his quietness. 

Megumi pulled into the parking lot of his old school. He hadn't stepped foot here in so long, but was excited to show you what you sadly missed out on. He understood why Gojo choose this place for you to train. The huge track, and open field was perfect place for you to learn. Megumi parked in between Nobara's Jeep and Toge's metallic blue Chevy Colorado. Megumi internally laughed when he remembered how hard Nobara made fun of him for being the typical short guy having a big truck. 

"Who's truck is that?" You asked as you both got out of the car. "Oh that is Toge's. Gojo invited him and probably Panda to help you as well." 

"Aww I love the nickname Panda!" You said as you followed Megumi to the track. Megumi quietly laughed at your comment. 'It isn't a nickname' Megumi thought as he continued to laugh to himself. You could hear him laughing to himself and thought his laughs were cute but you were also confused what he was laughing about. 

As you followed behind him, you could see Yuji and Nobara in the distance with three other people. "Yuji! Nobara!" You yelled as you passed Megumi running towards them. "Y/n!" Yuji yelled back with that big, goofy smile on his face. 

You stopped fast in your tracks when you looked at who was next to them. Your jaw dropped in shock as you looked at a Panda standing next to them. 'Holy shit that's an actual panda!' You thought as you continued to stare at him. 

"Hi!" The panda said smiling at you. 'It fucking talks' you thought your mind still not comprehending what was in front of you. 

"Earth to Y/n!" Nobara yelled as she waved her hand in your face. 

"That's a fucking talking panda." That was all you could say as you continued to stare at him. Everyone started laughing hysterically at your reaction. 

Yuji wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Yes ma'am! That is Panda, pretty cool panda if I do say so myself. Next to him is Toge Inumaki and the girl wrapped around Nobara is Maki her girlfriend!" 

"Kelp." Toge said casually. Toge was a short man with brown eyes, and mid-length platinum blonde straight hair. He wore a black zip up jacket with a high collar that covered his mouth and navy blue joggers. 

"Did he just say kelp?" You asked looking around at everybody's faces hoping you were not the only one confused. Sadly, everybody looked nonchalant by his greeting. 

Panda laughed. "Yeah Toge has cursed speech which infuses his words with cursed energy to improve the spirit of his commands, forcing all those who hear it to obey. The more demanding the command, the more of a toll it pays on Toge's body. So just to be safe, he only responds with ingredients of rice ball fillings." You nodded your head and understood that this will become your new norm. 

"Don't worry about me! I am pretty normal compared to those two." Maki said with her arm resting on Nobara's shoulder. Maki was a tall, athletically built woman with pretty dark green hair that she wore in a ponytail and dark black eyes. She also wore cute purple glasses and had on a plain white tee and black biker shorts. 

"Well it is really nice to meet you guys and I am super hyped for all of you to show me the ropes!" You said with a huge smile on your face, absorbing all the new information and hopefully your new friends. 

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