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You slipped on his black boxers, and black t-shirt that stopped at the middle of your ass. His clothes were so soft, and loved how they smelled exactly like his body wash. You decided against the joggers for the time being because you just wanted to sleep and you never liked sleeping with pants on. 

You pulled back the comforter and tucked yourself into the coziest bed you had ever laid on. Well this was only the third bed you had ever laid on. You felt a tinge of sadness as you realized how much you had missed out on the better things in life such as a comfortable bed. You grabbed the extra pillow and held it close to your chest. You wanted to hold onto your new reality, scared you were going to wake up back in the facility. You closed your eyes and let your mind and body drift into a deep sleep. 

A loud screeching noise that reminded you of finger nails clawing a chalkboard shot you wide awake. You scanned the room, but it was completely pitch black. You could not even see your own hands that were right in front of your face. You gripped the pillow as your breathing became harsh and shallow. 

"Y/n why didn't you save me?" A voice that sounded like Faye's whispered in your ear. "You said you would protect me!" Faye's voice now boomed throughout the room. You felt your body go numb as tears poured down your face. A lump formed in your throat enabling you to speak. You felt someone or something put all their weight onto your chest. "Play with us Y/n." A new voice whispered, you did not recognize it. Your body was paralyzed and all you could do was feel your chest sink and tears flow. "We are coming for you." You shut your eyes and tried to concentrate on your breathing. 'This is not real.' You kept repeating in your head. An eerie laughter arose. "It is real Y/n." 

You shot up, sitting up on the bed. Your hair was clinging to the sweat on your face and neck. Your pillow was drenched and your body was shaking. You looked around the room and could see that you were still in the guest room. 'It was just a nightmare' You thought as you slowly got out of bed. Your body felt so weak as you tried to walk to Megumi's room. You would not stay in that room alone tonight. You barely knew Megumi, but you needed someone with you. 

You quietly opened your door, softly making your way to Megumi's room. A sweet memory popped in your head of when Faye had a nightmare. It was her third day at the facility and she had such a scary nightmare that left her trembling so badly as you are right now. She lightly shook your arm trying to wake you up. You were so grumpy when she woke you up, but when you saw the fear in her eyes your attitude changed. She asked ever so sweetly if she could cuddle in your bed for the night because of her nightmare. Your mind told you no, but your heart gave in and allowed her to cuddle with you. After that night it became a ritual, if one of you had a nightmare than you would cuddle in the other's bed to protect each other from your minds. 

You delicately opened Megumi's door and almost giggled at how he slept. He slept perfectly straight like a mummy in a sarcophaguses on the left side of the bed. As you slid into the right side of the bed, you hoped Megumi would not freak out by you sleeping in his bed. You hoped he would understand in the morning why you needed to be close to another person. You needed to feel grounded to not allow the monster's in your head to take you. 


You had awoken to a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. You could feel the heat emanating from Megumi as he pulls you closer to him. You could feel your cheeks become flushed. You tried to wiggle out of Megumi's arms but he gripped you tighter. You slightly moved your head to see that he was still asleep. 

You wiggled one more time trying to escape but it only woke him up. "Morning." He mumbled in a deep, sleepy voice that made your heart melt. "Morning Megumi." His eyes shot open when he heard your voice and he looked down to see he had his arms wrapped around you. He quickly let go and covered his face hoping you don't see how crimson his cheeks are. He had no idea when you got into his bed, but he was extremely indebted to the gods that he had decided to wear his boxers to sleep which he rarely did. You both sat up on his bed, unable to look at each other. "Why are you in my bed?" He asked fixating his gaze on his bedroom door that was cracked open. 

You sighed and played with your finger nails. "Well I had a nightmare that Faye was yelling at me for not saving her and the creature was saying that it was coming back for me." A small tear ran down your cheek. "And usually when I had a nightmare, I would sleep in Faye's bed with her but since I am here I crawled into your bed. I am so sorry for not asking. I just couldn't be alone." 

Megumi understood your reasoning but he was used to growing from his loneliness so your presence startled him. He never allowed himself to recognize the craving he had to have someone in his life. He had his friends but he definitely wouldn't come to them when his solitariness was overwhelming him. Megumi placed his hand on your shoulder and gave you a small smile. "I understand and no need to feel sorry. If you have another nightmare, you can always come to me." He gently squeezed your shoulder trying to console your fears of the situation. 

Megumi grabbed his phone from the nightstand and saw he had some text messages from the group chat. 


Snagged Gojo's credit card. Let's get breakfast and go shopping! 

Pink Oaf

Fuck yeah! Meet at Little Café at 11?


Sounds good. 


You and Y/n better be there


Duh be there at 11

Megumi placed his phone back down and turned his head to face you. "Y/n, are you hungry? My friends want to go to a café and then we can go shopping for some necessities."

You nodded your head and gave him a small smile. "I am starving actually and I am excited to go shopping. I haven't been to a real store since I was a kid. But can I also borrow a pair of shoes? I just have slippers." 

"I'll text Nobara to bring you a pair of her shoes. What size are you?" 

"Oh I am not to sure. We only wore slippers, but I think I am a size 8." 

"No worries, she will probably bring you options." 

You nodded your head and hopped out of his bed. "I will put on my joggers. Thank you again." You gingerly closed his door and made your way back to the guest room. Megumi could not understand what you were doing to his cold heart. He has always been able to keep a good distance with people. You keep breaking through, and he is allowing it. His childhood was not the greatest by all means, but he has memories of going to different restaurants or being dragged to the mall to get new clothes. He made a small promise to himself this morning that he will make sure you were able to experience whatever you had missed out on being locked away. 

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