four years ago.

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It was the third anniversary of my father's passing. He passed away from malaria, one of if not the deadliest mosquito carried diseases. He caught it when he traveled to Africa for work. This spefic disease causes more than 400,000 deaths every year. My father was mainly succumb to this disease because his ammune system was incredibly weak. None the less, that is how my father passed.

Every year without fail, We come out to visit his grave, me with mother. we brought his favorite foods and flowers and I had bought a new figurine he used to collect. We stood at my fathers grave. My mother and I crying, though hers was more of a heavy sob. She never got over his death.

When we walked home at sunset, spending an entire day to mourn. We walked into our house.

I remember coloring a picture of my family, art had always been a hobby I enjoyed and I got serious about it years before dad died. I decided to go show mom the new family portrait I had drawn. I had aged dad the tiniest bit and we all sat there smiling. When I walked up and knocked on her door, I had assumed she had been sleeping. But the lights were on. So I walked in, her bedroom was empty so I turned to the bathroom, wondering what on earth mother was doing.

I could hear a final shakey breathe, and the realization hit me when she didn't take another breath.

She was dead.

There in the tub sat my mothers pale lifeless body, cuts surrounded her wrists and blood was everywhere. I Called 911. Minutes later police and other people had arrived but my mother had already died. So I was placed under the care of my aunt, who's husband had bailed on her years ago. she had a little girl, about the age of two. The baby girl had a fluffy head of pink hair and bright green eyes. My aunt was good to us, but one day I remember her calling about the bills getting higher. I knew she struggled with money. But the next day, I couldn't wake her up. I called the police, the woman had died in her sleep. Heart problems is what they told me.

We spent time at an orphanage, we were a package deal so not many people wanted us. We had no family to go to and were stuck. But one day the scientists came in, they adopted Anya and I.

We spent years with them. Anya and I were experiments. I don't believe we even had records of existence. Time passed and Anya was four. We were forced to study and work and doo all types of tests. Turns out that their expiriments worked. I now had physic powers. I could move stuff with my mind, talk to people without talking, read people minds, fly, and my senses had sharpened. But it was so taxing. Peoples thoughts flooded my mind, making crowds impossible, if I flew to much I'd hurl, if I overworked some of my other powers I got hungry or felt like I would pass out or get dizzy and lord knows what else.

I was told if anyone found out about our powers we were to be killed and all this other tragic stuff. We were trapped there. Until one day Anya and I were able to escape. We ran. I broke all their vehicles preventing them form coming after us.

A day later, news had said that the place we were hidden under had caught fire and burned to the ground.

We spent years at orphanages. People returned us or ignored us since we were a pair. And we were the weirdos of the orphanage.

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