mission three

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"I'm glad your up sleepyhead" father teased. I rubbed my eyes.

"Frankly im contemplating on going back to sleep" I stated drowsily. It was noon. "Mornin Yor, mornin sis."I yawned.

"Nope, go get dressed we're going to practice interviews." father crushed my dreams of sleep. I sighed. I went back to my room and put a dress one, leaving my hair down. when I was done I sat down with everyone else.

"I'll ask the questions" father even changed his appearance. "Anya what do you do when you are not in school?" he asked her fist.

"since papa leaves me home alone I watch tv and feel sad" she answered, I slapped my forehead.

"no no not a good impression." father sighed going to yor next who sat between us "Mrs. Forger, what is your parenting methods?" he asked

"Um strike first, hard and show no mercy." she guessed. I slapped my head. My father was shocked how she raised her brother.

"Ok, yn, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?" he asked me, I sat up straight smiled and looked him in the eye

"I enjoy reading biographies of famous historians, listening to operas, spending time with my little sister, and helping mother and father in the kitchen. Though I must say I'm better at baking than actual cooking." I answered. this time when he sighed he sighed with relief.

"Yn is the only one with a chance of passing. This is hopeless" he said walking away.

"Get back here we're doing this!" I fussed as I dragged him back. Fathwe decided we're going out. I changed into one of my nice dresses. and left my hair down.

"family ooting yay, family ooting yay" Anya sang.

"Is outing" father and I sighed. d

"Mama would you hold my hand!" Anya asked happily.

"oh... I would like that very much!" mother replied happily. father was relieved they were getting along well.

'awww her hands are so cute and tiny... takes me back to when I would hold my little brothers hand... he was delicate like this too. that one time I accidentally hugged him to hard and broke two of his ribs though. heh heh... better be careful' I smacked my head knowing Anya heard what she was thinking. Anya ran away.

'this woman is strong' I told father.

'thats good, I would not enjoy having a weak wife' he responded. I rolled my eyes. like freakishly strong dumbass.

"Here mother, you could come hold my hand, if you dont think I'm too old for it that is" I smiled offering her my hand. It made her feel better. It went her fault. and she was going to be gentle. Her thoughts said something about how kind I was.

"thank you yn" she smiled.

"always. Anya, come on and hold Mama's  or my hand. Father will grab your other one!" I smiled, forcing us into this happy family pose to easy Fathers constantly racing thoughts.

Father took us to an opera. It was nice. I went to one with father #1 before. But yor had no idea what was going on and Anya had fallen asleep. I understood it though. I'd have to admit I much prefer a musical like Alexander Hamiliton though.

Next we went to an art museum. Which was wonderful for me because I got to redraw the art pieces in my sketchbook. Mother was staring at a bloody one while Anya was observing someone's boobs. I sighed. They're honestly hopeless. This is mission impossible. I walked up to Mother.

"Mother, you've been staring at the piece for a while now" I informed her. She jumped at my voice,

"I-well it-its"

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