Mission eight

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This chapter will be a bit different as I'm not going by the book hardly at all because its the entrance ceremony thing_ enjoy!

"Congratulations on your achievement! from the bottom of our heart we welcome you, or rewelcome you to eden Academy! When your name is called please step forward, I'll begin with Class one..."

I zoned out while he listen out some of the names, However I was in the same class as Demetrius Desmond, Like father arranged. He did the same for Anya, but I had an unqueasy feeling about that.

My head hurts like hell, why are there so many people here. There's like a hundred kids in my grade, MAX. It's not a large school so why in gods name are so many people here.

"Demetrius Desmond..." My eyes flickered up. I watched him walk onto the stage. I hadn't actually seen him yet. Despite father giving me a vague description of him. Black hair and green eyes.

He was attractive though so I'll give the kid that.

He had black hair, and was tall. Maybe 5'10, making him seven inches taller than I was. He had a good jawline and a fit body too. But not body builder fit like a soft fit. Its obvious he works out. He had a proper walk and a smirk, like he was the best, on his face. His eyes were dark dark green, I don't even know how to describe him. His face screamed, "prince material". But his thoughts made me want to gag.

'Yes Yes, fawn over me you broads' his inner thoughts snickered. I frowned at such.

He's going to be difficult to deal with.

"...YN Forger..." I got up confidently and walked to the pathway to the stage. Chin up, float like a little boat, but a powerful boat... my boat wants to sink with all these people watching me. Come on come on. Pay everyone no mind. Confidence.  I was like one kid behind the Desmond demon.

I stood infront of A girl with light hair who seemed nervous. She had dark eyes and a smaller figure. I stood quietly while I waited for everyone else to line up. When that was done, our parents were free to socialize and we were given a tour of the school.

As the tour started, I guess making some friends would please papa. FATHER! FATHER!

"Hello, my name is YN, you are?" I asked with my hand out. As we were on our way to the first stop of the tour.

The girl looked at me. I got a better look at her, she had freckles and pale skin. Very thin.

And from her inner thoughts, she was nervous, very nervous.

"M-m-ary, Mary Ingerman" she took my hand nervously.

"Pleasure to meet you. Is it your first year here?" I asked her. She nodded, "Same here. I hope we can become friends" I smiled. She gave a small smile back.

"S-same " she stuttered out

When I looked in front of us there was already a crowd around Demetrius. he had two close friends, I'm not sure what their names are, Don't really care either.

They were talking about their fathers jobs and what not.

"You there" someone pointed at me. Desmond eldest himself.

"Its YN" I cocked an eyebrow.

"What does your father do?" he asked me

"My father is a physiatrist" I answered.

"thats it, that doesn't sound all that impressive." Demetrius scoffed. "I mean you're just a lowly poor life, what about your father is important?"

"Demetrius? right?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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