mission 7

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"ninety nine and a half" the measuring lady declared Anya's height as if it were a lottery ticket.

"I grew two millimeters bigger since last time!" Anya boasted happily

"Probably just a ro-"

"Yeah you did! you're growing up great!" I interupted Lo-'Father' he just rolled his eyes at my behavior.

"Kids sure do grow fast at this age!" the lady informed my father, Yor agreed with her while I went back to digging through my candy bag for the right flavor gummy worm. Dad decided to get her uniform a few sizes larger for that reason.

"What about you will you need a bigger uniform, you should be done growing" Father asked me

"Ya I'm basically done growing, I'll be fine" I answered not bothering to look up from the gummy worm bag. I grinned with victory when I found the blue worm . The seamstress went on about how Momma Yor didn't tell her about being married. Not that I was focused on the conversation. I just wanted to go home. But then something caught my ear,

"theres something of a gulf between thee allumni families and the first generation ones. I hear it can even lead to bullying and discrimination. Plus, thees hazing from the honor students, conflict between the dorm kids and the commuters... I hear all sorts of things." the seamstress went serious. It was scaring Anya shitless. "And those commuter students- apparently they get kidnapped all the time! After all, everyone knows that only wealthy families can afford eden." she continued.

"Im sure there won't be any problems at eden for us." I plastered a smile on, 'I'd kill someone if they tried'

"I don't wanna go to eden anymore" Anya stuttered out mrotifiws.

"Oh I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to scare you. It'll be okay, theres lots of wonderful things about eden too!" The seamstress smiled

'why would you tell a kid all that stuff and act like they're gonna be fine' I thought to myself.

We were ready to pay for our uniforms, so we walked up to the register.

"okay so thats two complete uniforms, two winter coats, two sweater vests and these other peices" the lady checked with dad who confirmed the order. She said she was gonna start on our alterations immediately, I dont know if she was lying or not. Don't really care. "oh you can get other required school supplies at the store on the corner." the lady informed us.

Loid thought about how expensive it was getting, I agreed but hey, it wasn't coming out of my paycheck now was it?

With that we left the building, I threw my gummy worms away at the nearest trash xan. Anya wa hidng behind father's legs. as if I couldn't protect her better. im physic for crying aloud.

"What's the matter "" dad asked Anya.

She looked up at him with white eyes, "I don't want to get kidnapped" she exclaimed.
"Oh I think that's a tad premature" dad mentally stopped his slapped his for head. But you can blame Anja For being scared because of the Lady. "do you mind if we go out to eat today yor" father asked her, as if I didn't have a say in the matter.

"No of course not" yor responded happily.

"Do kids get taken at restaurants" Anya piped up. 'I don't wanna leave my family not again' she thought. It was sad seeing her plead like this.

I zoned out for the rest of the walk to the restaurant, I felt tired today. Wonder why. When we got to the restaurant I ordered the same thing as dad, however I noticed his secret message and mine did not. I snickered at such a way of communicating. I could tell dad was unimpressed with my amusement but he didn't approve of this way either.

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