mission 5

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We were guided to a room to be interviewed. Father was nervous. We greeted the interviews. Anya and I sat next to each other in two chairs at the end, mother and father sat on two chairs to our right and to our left sat the examiners on a couch.

"Well then why dont we begin with the questions for the parents, a sweet old man,, Walter Evans, with glasses asked. He remembers us because he saw me rescue Crystal. I think that will score highly with him. Im not paying attention to the questions unless the involve me.

murdon swan. the fatso in the middle. His wife has filed for divorce last month and taken custody of his child. he's ben taking out anger on the applicants. Fatso asked a rude question to mother making my eye twitch. Then Father went on about Eden's teaching ways.

"Isn't your eldest daughter a little old?" Fatso asked.

"Actually she's my niece, my late wife's elder sister had Yn and after both her parents passed we took her in. Not long before my wife passed. She's like a daughter to us and a Sister to Anya" Father explained. I nodded.

"we would like to hear about the children from the perspective of the parents, What do you consider to be their strengths and weaknesses?" Walter Evans asked

"Anya posses a deep and passionate curiosity, She is willing and eager to poke her nose into everything, to an extent it may be her weakness as much as a strength. But for her weakness, she is extremely particular about food. Yn is caring and a gentle soul. I'd say thats one of her many strengths. She's very intelligent and can read people like an open book. She's very strong and enjoys doing a large variety of things. She's extremely good with animals. She's also wiling to risk everything for the sake of someone else. But she has sensitive hearing, which could count as both a strength and weakness. It makes it difficult for her to stand in with crowds. And If I had to pick out her biggest weakness, It would be that she cannot stand inelegant, immature behavior from adults or even petty behavior from kids of all ages." he sweat dropped. I nodded looking at fatso.

"How sensitive is your hearing miss yn?" The head master asked me

"Well, I could hear a fly or nat flying from two rooms over, And if I focused and on you specifically, I could hear your heart beat. Which helps because I've studied heartbeat patterns and they help to read people. But having this gift has its drawbacks. For example at restaurants, I can hear kids and adults chewing food or smallest burp from across the room" I explained.

"Can you prove it though?" asked Fatso. I looked at him, pushing a strand of hair back,

"Mr. Evans, you're heart beat is soft and kind. You enjoy this job and are a gentle man. Mr. Housemaster. When you were watching us from the windows with your coworkers, I could hear your voices. I was also Able to hear you shout 'Elegance' A fair amount of times, specifically after we paid respect to the founder, changed clothes and saved the boy in the gutter." I smiled. Then I turned to Mr. Swan. "As for you Mr. Swan, you're heartbeat is loud and uneven. It got louder and faster as you got to know my family. Its the heartbeat of rage and jealousy and pent up frustration one doesn't know what to do with. This hearing ability is just as much as a gift as a curse. I've always been able to hear what people say behind my back, good and bad." I finished. The man was fuming and my parents sweatdropped.

"Thats truly incredible!" Mr. Evans said.

"Thank you!" I smiled at him. Then they asked Yor the same question. basically what she said was she and I are similar in many ways, and in that we both opened up easier to one another. We always got along great and she sees me as her own child. And how she tried to spoil Anya a bit but learned to be stricter for her future.

"Mr. Forger mentioned your daughter is a picky eater. What kind of meals do you cook. for them at home?" Mr. Evans asked my mother.

"M-Meals?" mother panicked

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