Mission 2

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By the way we had moved since the last incident

I woke up and it was morning. I assumed the next day. I waddled to the living room and saw Franky dressed as a woman. Anya, Father and I stared. I pointed at the man.

"This is what haunts my nightmares" I deadpanned. Franky fussed at me, but I ignored him as I grabbed a yogurt. As everyone else bickered and fussed.

In the next too weeks, Father needed a wife.

I sat at the living room reading a book while I waited for Scuffy to come over. Father told me I should be sketching and practicing art to show the Eden's examiners.

Then and there he kicked open the door.

"So you need a woman who's refined enough for eden academy, who doesn't care that your divorced with on-er two kids, and willing to marry you in the next forty-eight hours. If such a goddess exists I'd love to meet her" scruffy said plopping down files of all the unmarried women.

"I copied all the files of unmarried women in city hall" he boasted

"Thats a big help" father commented as he already started reading though them.

"Thats kinda creepy" I deadpanned. Earning a eye roll from scruffy.

"Meanwhile I have no standards what so ever and I can't even manage to get a date!" Scruffy exclaimed

"I understand why" I mumbled, without him able to hear it

"That's pathetic" father and I spoke simultaneously.

"Dont call me pathetic" scruffy fussed.

"Is having a kid bad? am I keeping all the mama's away?" Anya asked and I looked at her with a soft smile. I watch Father pat her head and reassure her she wasn't in the way. She went to watch tv. I went back to reading my book.

"really? hard to imagine a bigger complication than those two" scruffy said pointing at me and Anya. I looked up over my book and glared at him. "No way does that look like the scion of a privledged family" he said as Anya hugged the tv and I sat in a crazy position while I read.

"hey, I can be a scion of privileged family better than you ever could scruffy. I just don't need to right now so back off" I fussed.

"You should be practicing!" he barked back. I held up the pile of books I had read.

"I'm reading classical literature to impress Eden" I deadpanned. "they're into this kinda stuff" I said as I went back down to my book. Dad said the he was gonna take us dress shopping or something.

Hours later and we are at the tailor shop or the dress shop, I dont know what you call it. We get fitted for dresses and then they pick out some colors and such. I got measured first and got finished fairly quickly. I was examine the dresses when someone walked in. I turned. Father was staring. They were talking about how father was caught staring which was funny. I must sketch her! I pulled out my sketchbook. When I was finished I slid up to them.

"Hey father, who's she" I asked smugly turning to the woman. "my name's yn, its a pleasure to meet you" I smiled holding out my hand. She shook it and turned away. 'I cannot believe I almost hit on a married man..' I didnt hear the rest.

"Oh, ma'am don't get the wrong Idea, I'm his niece. my parents died so I live with him. He also has a kid but he's single now, my mo- my aunt, she was like a motherly figure to me, passed away a couple years ago." I informed her. she made a ö face.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. I know its rough. My name is Yor briar." she apologized

"It's okay. I love you're hair, do you think you could teach me how to style it like that?" I asked her

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