mission one

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I watched a man walk down the hall, as our drunken 'caretaker' led him. He brought the man to Anya and I, he had wanted an intelligent child and in this hell of a place thats what we were considered.

"These two are a pair, they are cousins but call each other sisters. They are the smartest ones we got. Anya, is shy and don't say much but shes a good kid. Same for her elder cousin, but she's good at art. A bit feisty though." I rolled my eyes at the man. I took care of the kids around here more than he did. "greet the man, kids" he ordered us.

"My name is yn and this is Anya. It is a pleasure to meet you" I told him while giving him a bow. he was pleased with my introduction.

'You have to be at least 6 to enroll in Eden Academy, that youngest looks four or five at the oldest' Anya was interested. She wanted to go with this man. That we already had figured out was a spy.

"Ah perhaps n-"

"Six" Anya spoke. I rolled my eyes. "I'm six."

"huh? six already?" the man asked. I nodded.

"she turned six a while ago, and I'm fifteen, nearing sixteen. She is tiny though." I informed him. I watched Anya run and pick up the newspaper I had been reading. She showed him the crossword puzzle. We watched her do it. I know she just read the mans mind though. He was amazed at her 'intelligence'. They were all amazed at her being able to do the crossword puzzle. The caretaker turned to me.

"show him some of your art" he ordered me. I grabbed my sketchbook which was nearby. I had used every available space. The last family that fostered us bought it for me, and that old drinker doesn't buy us anything. I examined the man one last time and started sketching. His facial structure and his eyes, his blonde hair and his hat in hand. When I finished the sketch I turned around my sketchbook to show him. I watched his eyes widened.

'This will surely impress Eden, but her story might be a bit complicated. im sure Frank can handle it though'

"I'll take them!" the man smiled. "Now for the paper work" he held out his hand

"dont worry about that" our caretaker told him, "Just take 'em and get out of here" he waved his hand away. I rolled my eyes at that rude fart.

'Child acquired mission accomplished. suddenly im worried that things are going too smoothly.' his thoughts sang.

"is this alright with you guys?" he asked us, I turned to Anya, she nodded in awe of the man. She was just starved for some decent entertainment. I turned back to our new caretaker.

"Yes sir, thank you" I nodded. I grabbed my sketchbook, double checked I had all my belongings, which was just a change of pj's, a necklace, a friendship bracelet Anya and I made each other, a pair of earrings, an iPod, and my three stuffed animals, a cat, a dog, and a dragon. We left the building, the other kids hugged me and I promised to come back and see them one day.

The man that adopted us is going by the name Loid Forger. And he seems to be forming his own family for a mission. He needs to get into Eden Academy to get close to one of the workers there. Anya and I will help him with that. This man is also known as 'Twilight' the man of a hundred faces. An impressive spy. I wonder if I told him about my powers, he'd let me help him. And that would have to make him keep Anya and I.

I have more powers than Anya, and I'm not sure if she will gain more powers in the future or not, only time can tell though.

"Listen up girls" he spoke

"I've told you our names" I deadpanned, holding Anya's hand.

"It's yn and Anya" my little cousin smiled.

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